Episode 20- Finale

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In which she loves:

"Wake up! The others are already there!"

Jongdae cracked open an eye to see his girlfriend sitting next to him on the bed, shaking him awake.


"The picnic! The others are waiting for us. Come on Jongdae!"

Jongdae shot up, wide awake. Mia woofed from the foot of the bed, as if telling him to hurry up. Minah was already dressed, wearing light washed out jeans and a tunic style shirt. Jongdae grinned and tugged playfully at the tied bow wrapped around her waist. Minah slapped his hand.

"What?! You look so cute!"

Minah opened her mouth to say something and then shut it again, "Shut up, go get ready Dae."

Jongdae grinned, slightly congratulated himself for flustering Minah. He stole a kiss and ran out the door. Minah threw a pillow at him as he ran to the bathroom, but she smiled to herself.

Summer was ending and college was starting in another week. Yixing decided to have a picnic before summer was over. The others had things to do so they left early. Jongdae and Minah had taken a nap, seeing that they had hours to kill. Only to realize that they were running late when they woke up.

Mia woofed again before scooping up a red bandana in her mouth. She padded over to Minah who took the bandana from her mouth and tied it around her neck. Minah placed a kiss on Mia's head and grabbed the dog's leash.

Jongdae came out of the bathroom, now fully dressed and presentable. He grabbed his shoes and keys, Minah gently patted Mia's side, urging the dog to leave the apartment before closing the door behind them.

"Come on!" Jongdae yelled, running down the stairs. Minah groaned and took after him, Mia close behind.

Mia barked happily when she caught sight of Chanyeol. She had taken a personal liking to the tall male and her favorite thing was to take naps with Chanyeol on the couch.

Mia herself took up the entire couch but her and Chanyeol made it work.

Chanyeol laughed happily as Mia jumped on him, knocking him down. Mia licked his face excitedly as Chanyeol laughed, pinned underneath this huge 90 pound dog.

Jongdae and Minah leisurely walked to where the boys were set up. Their hands were intertwined tightly as they approached the boys, causing them to coo loudly.

Turns out, they had all helped with Jongdae asking Minah out, except Luhan had set up a camera without telling Jongdae so they got the whole scene on footage, even if they weren't there in the first place.

Luhan watched it every night during the first month they were dating.

"Nice of you two lovebirds to join us." Yixing joked, handing both a glass of homemade juice.

Minah rolled her eyes as she kicked off her shoes, laying down next to Mia, who sat her furry rump on Baekhyun's lap. Jongdae also slid off his shoes and laid down next to Minah, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into the curve of his body.
Minah rolled her eyes and sipped on her juice.

Jongdae was a big cuddler, even more than Luhan (Surprise) and Minah had gotten used to the latter making constant contact with her.

Jongdae leaned on his propped up elbow as he gently rubbed Minah's waist. The others melted a bit at the cute sight and Minah just ignored them all, and pet Mia (who was her favorite).

The eight of them had come so far over the past year or so. Minah was internally grateful for each boy.

And to believe that this had all started with her accidentally buying a huge apartment.

Minah had grown up alone. She had trouble making friends and her mother was no help. The seven boys seemed to fill that hole in her heart.

There was Zhang Yixing. The mother of the eight of them. He was constantly looking out for Minah. He knew Minah better then Minah knew herself. He always seemed to know what exactly Minah needed, whether it was a hug, a cookie or even space. Yixing seemed to understand Minah perfectly. And Minah couldn't appreciate that enough.

Kris was....well he was Kris. He started out rocky, in Minah's opinion. But he was the anchor in Minah's life. He was this tall mountain, something stable that she could hold onto if she needed support. He treated her like a daughter. Constantly supporting her, protecting her. Minah was glad she had Kris in her life.

There was Baekhyun and Chanyeol, her dumb and dumber. The two had gone through great lengths to make Minah smile. They were the epitome of sunshine, in Minah's opinion. Without them, her life would have been dull, boring. Chanyeol and Baekhyun added color to her life. Showing her that life was more than just black and white. They were always there, standing behind her, never afraid to add that small splash of color which seemed to make
Minah's day.

Luhan and Minseok were polar opposites. They kept Minah down to earth. Well...Minseok did. Luhan was just like Baekhyun but he really cared for Minah. Always putting her in front of himself. Minseok was a silent angel, and although Minah didn't talk much with him, she felt like she was the most at ease with him.

Minseok just had that aura, the calming sense of an older brother. If Chanyeol and Baekhyun were the crazy younger brothers, than Minseok was the calm, helpful older brother. 

Luhan as the diva sister (but don't tell him she said that.) He knew how to help her emotionally. And although she didn't have many 'deep' conversations with him, Minah knew that Luhan knew her inside and out.

Jongdae caught her staring at him. Smiling he put aside his drink before placing a gentle hand on his cheek.
Minah's eyes closed automatically as Jongdae leaned down, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. Minah smiled as Jongdae deepened the kiss.

And then there was Jongdae....Minah's angel. He seemed to come out of nowhere. Crashing down in her world with that stupid smile. He flipped her world upside down, made everything inside out and honestly....made it better.

Minah loved everything Jongdae did for her, even before they started dating. They had only been dating for three months and they hadn't dropped the 'L' word yet,
Minah knew how she felt.

Jongdae was irreplaceable in her life. And she wanted him
to stay by her for as long as he could.

In fact, she wanted all of them to stay by her for as long as they could.

Because when she was with them, she knew that she could take on the world.

Zhang Yixing.

Kris Wu.

Byun Baekhyun.

Park Chanyeol.

Kim Minseok.


Kim Jongdae.

Damn she loved these boys.

And they loved her.

The end.

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