Chapter #5 ~Willow~

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Why me.  Why am I always the one that's hurt.  Why not Sage? 

"Sorry.  Again..."  Lucas says awkwardly. 

It was weird, this whole situation.  I was for some reason leaving my life in the hands of this stranger that I've only known for about 7-8 hours.  What was new. 

"It's fine."  I finally say to him, accepting his apology.

The rest of the way to the infirmary was in awkward silence.


I wake up with a start. My head is throbbing. I get up, healed. I've officially given up trying to understand the whole vampire/werewolf bite and which one paralyzes you and so on. I was healed though. I look down at my clothes. Of course, ripped. I look around the room and spotted some folded clothes. A pair of jeans and a t-shirt was neatly folded on a chair. I decide to get changed.

I walk out of the room I was in, completely disoriented.


Sage is waving at me. She runs up to me and gives me a hug.

"You okay?" She asks me.

"Now I am." I reply with a shrug.

"Good. Now come on." She says pulling on my arm.


"I don't know. Jayce says everyone here is having a meeting. No idea why."

All I remember was that they had a leader. I had no idea there were others here in this facility.

Sage leads me into a room.

"This is where Jayce told me to go-" she starts to say.

"Surprise!" A bunch of people jump up from hiding.

I admittedly spot, Adrian, Lucas and Jayce smiling at Sage and I. There were three unfamiliar faces though.

"What is this?" I question.

"Well, we don't usually don't get any new people but whenever we do, we usually throw a get together party so we can get to know everyone since, well our group is so small." Jayce explains.

Sage and I look at each other and laugh. The party wasn't much. For food there was just a bowl filled with awful looking fruit punch inside and a few chips and dip. After about 15 minutes we all gather in a circle.

"I would like to introduce myself." An older man says referring to Sage and I. He had black hair and black eyes.

"My name is Bruce. I am the leader here.  I'm 2192 years old. I created this facility about 400 years ago when Diana started her planning and plotting and I was born a vampire." He says.

So this was the famous Bruce. Lucas told me that he was never around because he was always recruiting. Unfortunately Diana always got to the recruits first.

"I guess it's my turn." A younger girl asks. Her eyes were a vibrant gold colour that matched her dirty blonde hair almost. 

"My name is Kimberlee. I actually joined this facility about over a year ago. I remember being thrown a party of my own.. Anyways I'm 19 years old and was bitten by a vampire when I was only 8 years old." She says nodding.

A younger man then walks over. He was eating chips and dip.  His brown hair matched his brown eyes.

"My name is David. I'm 20 years old. I joined here when I was 15, one year after I was bitten by a werewolf." He says throwing another chip in his mouth after. 

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