Chapter #32 ~Sage~

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My whole body was frozen.  Pain throbbed throughout but suddenly everything became numb compared to the pain in my heart.

Bruce and Lucas, (now human)  immediately ran to Jayce's side.  Lucas took Jayce by the jaw and tried shaking him awake.

"Come on, wake up dammit!" He exclaims, his voice straining.  His hand shook has he moved his growing hair from his eyes.

"Joshua!" Bruce summoned. "Bring him to the base and speed back, he needs to be tended, it didn't hit his heart but it badly injured him-" Bruce continued to give Joshua instructions, probably how to mend to that type of injury but his voice was silenced compared to the ringing in my ears.

My legs were finally able to move and I make my way to Jayce.  My knees fail me and fall the ground. I crawl over to him and fix his hair with shaky hands.  A warm tear trickles down my cheek.

"You're gonna be fine." My voice chokes. 

I feel Bruce's hands pull me up.  Joshua picks up the scrawny boy in his arms and speeds away.  I could hear it now. The rumble of vampires feet pounding on the forest floor.  

"Long time no see." Adrian stands in front of an even larger group of vampire minions.  A smirk is on his face as he plays with a wooden dagger.   "I guess you could say I have good aim?" He raises on eyebrow and our eyes meet.  My body shook now. 

Then wave two begun.

It all happened so quickly. One second Jayce was fighting with me and the next he wasn't.  A vampire takes my arms and flips me to the group and pins me down.  Using all my muscle I flip him over so I was then on top.  I punch him in the jaw followed by some bones cracking.  I feel another vampire grab one of my legs and pull me off the vampire. She drags me away through the mud and dirt.  She swings me around and throws me into a tree.  I grunt and stand up.  I was weak, everyone was.  I don't think we're going to win this battle. 

An older vampire runs and tries to punch me and I dodge.  With speed I grab the vampire by the neck and slam him into the ground. I watch his eyes roll to the back of his head. 

A woman runs up to me and punches me in the gut.  I grab her hand and spin her around so her arm was behind her.  She yelps as I hold her and break her arm.  She yells out in pain and tries punching me with her other arm but I snap her neck. 

Immense pain shoots up my shoulder to my neck and head.  I spin around punch the vampire behind me sending her flying.  She hits another vampire and both remain on the ground, unable to move. 

Something sharp is stabbed into my side.  I spin around and a vampire pulls a needle out of my side. Some of the hot pink liquid still remained in the needle as the vampire throws it to the ground. He tackles me, hands to throat.  The world starts spinning, I become very dizzy and nauseous.  I kick the vampire sending him flying and roll to my side, vomiting the little bit of liquid I had in my stomach.   I'm barely able to stand up. My head hurt. I stumble into a tree and lean on it for balance.  My vision became blurred. 

Joshua speeds over to me, "Sage!? Sage are you okay?" He yells at me over the noise.

"Vampire," I shake my head trying to shake the feeling away. "Needle in arm." I'm able to stutter out.

Joshua nods and speeds away. He comes back with a squirrel. It squirmed in his grasp and hands it to me. "Drink." He speeds away.

I couldn't... After all this time I could barely stomach it to see just the blood in a simple water blood. I couldn't drink blood from a living thing.  I felt like I was about to puke again and I sink my fangs into the poor animal.  I drink the warm blood from the squirrel. It's body goes limp and I could feel my vision already clearing. 

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