Chapter #33 ~Willow~

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I claw and bite my way through a pair of vampires.  They give up a little bit of a fight but are no match after I sink my teeth into them.  I felt strong in this moment like I could do anything.  We were winning.  Exhaustion was making me delusional, somehow giving me more energy.  I could feel it running through me.  The energy pulsing through my veins.  I could hear it.  A steady heartbeat in my ears.  I could also hear chaos as the battle raged on.  I could hear the sound of many dying.  Others killing.  The bones cracking within vampires and werewolves.  I could smell the battle too.  The scent of blood was the strongest and it burned my nostrils.  

I pounce on a vampire, claws first.   He tries fighting back but is cut short as I bite his torso off.  My victory was short lived as I'm tackled.  Two vampires pin me down.  I'm stabbed in my right arm.  They punch me in the stomach, the impact making whatever was in my stomach threaten to come back up.  I snarl and hoist myself to my feet.  It hurt to put pressure on my arm so I don't and annihilate yet another vampire.  

One jumps on my back. Two.  I start rolling hearing them flatten beneath me. A vampire lunges at me, fangs first and luckily I dodge.  They leap for another attack but this time I'm too late.  Instead of having the feeling of sharp fangs sinking into me I feel the weight of the vampire off of me.  Sage stands next to me and together we wipe out a group of vampires. 

I look for my friends.  I could see Lucas in the midst of a troop of vampires.  Bruce was fighting beside Asa, the leader of the werewolf pack and together they slaughtered anything that approached.  I searched for David but couldn't see him anywhere.  I push back the fear inside me and hope for his safety, still something inside me broke for him.   David.  Ella.  Kimberlee.  Dawn.  My brother.  Scott.  I had to focus on why I was here.  Why we were fighting off Diana in the first place.  She was a stone cold murderer.  She wanted the destroy humanity.  She was selfish.  She needed to be stopped. 

I was off guard too long.  I get slammed into a tree.  A vampire has me by the throat, destroying any air I had left in my lungs.  I become dizzy.  Little black dots dance in my vision and I try to fight off unconsciousness that desired to take over.  the vampire in front of me cackles, smiling at his victory.  Sage doesn't let him live in the glory for long.  She drives a wooden dagger through his heart and he collapses on the ground.  I pant for air, trying to make up for any lost in those few seconds.   

It all happened in a blur.  A vampire creeps up behind me. I feel the sharpness of their fangs sink inside me.  Almost immediately I turn back human.  Pain struck me like a bullet.  Agony made its way throughout my entire body.  I could feel by rapid heartbeat throughout my entire body.  My knees give out on me and I collapse to the ground. I suddenly can't hear anything.

Was this the end?

No. No. No. I will not accept this.  I reach for the nearest perished vampire to me, still fully in tact and rip the wooden dagger from their chest. I push myself off the ground. I refused to go out this way. I could do this. I can do this.

My eyes scan the battle for one person. The person I wanted dead the most.  I see her, biting and snapping the neck of a werewolf. I make my way over.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

My legs were numb.

Four steps.

A vampire attacks me and we tumble to the ground.  They held a katana. Blood dripping from it.  I'm on the cold ground. Weak.  The vampire is about to swing when someone jumps in front of me.  The blade sinks into their stomach instead of mine and he collapses beside me.  His buzzcut was of course still perfect but his face was far from it with gashes far too deep for fast recovery.

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