Chapter #18 ~Sage~

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Willow screams and blood starts spreading, soaking her torn shirt. She lets out a scream and falls to the ground clutching the knife. She grips the knife and slowly pulls it out.

Diana looks down at her, a smirk on her face. I let out a shriek, but my voice doesn't work.

"So sad..." She pauses, "who's next!"

Willow urges herself to sit up a little straighter, "you." She says forcefully.

Diana turns around in confusion and Willow throws the knife at Diana hitting her in the shoulder.  Diana screams a curse word and all hell breaks loose.

A giant werewolf comes running into the arena, I recognized the wolf as David.  He comes tumbling towards us, he bites the ropes, them cutting in half. I run over to Willow.

"We have to go. Come on get up!" I say, trying to pick up Willow.

"Sage go, don't worry about me, go!" Willow says to me, pushing me to go. 

I glance behind me to now see Jayce, David and Lucas all fighting, Lucas now a snowy white wolf, growling, he runs over to us, snarling.

"Lucas, take Willow and go back to the base." I order him, Willow wanting to argue but not having the energy to do it. 

I help Willow onto Lucas's back and Lucas runs off, a group of vampires following them.  A strong force suddenly hits my back and I go flying across the arena, hitting the side of it.  Jayce runs over to me and helps me up right before snapping a random vampires neck.

Vampires start cornering us, giving us glares that could kill. I quickly search for David who had vampires on his back holding on for deer life as he ran around trying to get them off.

"Jayce, I think we should get out of here."

David slams his back into a wall, the vampires getting flattened.

A vampire then attacks Jayce, she holds him from behind, a wooden steak in her hand. My heart stops, I couldn't think of anything to do, it was like my brain decided to stop working!

The vampire strokes Jayce's face, "come save your boyfriend." The vampire smirks at me, taking the wooden steak now pressing it up against his face, "I dare you." She said slowly, looking at me, insanity hinting in her lavender eyes.

Using my speed I grab the wooden steak out of her hand and pin her up against the wall, the wooden steak pressing into her chest, "dare accepted" I say and bring the steak to her chest. I watch as the life leaves her eyes.

I turn around to look at Jayce, who has a pile of vampires forming at his feet.

"Let's go!" Jayce calls out. David rips off a vampire's head before running out of the arena.

Jayce speeds out and I was about to follow when pain erupts in my shoulder, a vampire has its teeth sunk into my neck. Suddenly the same pain erupts from my arm, then my stomach, then my side, then my leg. I scream out, my knees suddenly not working causing me to collapse onto the ground. It was like my whole body was going numb as vampires surrounded me. Black dots danced around. I was just able to make out one vampire stabbing me in the shoulder with what looked like a shot. It was like everything was in slow motion, the vampires slowly starting to drop one by one. Jayce looking down at me, worry glazing his eyes. Every thing started to go fuzzy, the last thing I heard and saw was Jayce speeding me out of the facility, muttering over and over, "please don't die on me."


"Come on Sage, wake up!"

A cold hand is pressed up against my forehead, probably feeling for my temperature. My eyes flutter open, it was light out and I was sitting in a forest. A random boy was looking down at me. His raven messy hair matched his dark eyes.

The Last FightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora