Chapter #9 ~Willow~

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Don't even ask me what happened to me because I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

David stormed out of the room. I guess Kimberlee died. I felt so guilty, she died because of me. It was my fault she was dead. I'm the one who got kidnapped therefor having them have to come save me. The only reason Kimberlee was there fighting off those vampires was because she was helping to save me.

The guilt puts a new weight on my shoulders. I glance around the room. Bruce is in deep thought, Lucas is looking at his feet. Jayce glances at the clock and then back at the table. Sage just seems awkwardly uncomfortable, she's looking around at everyone's faces. I take the opportunity to escape from the meeting room.

I walk or more like limp down the hall, trying to find some peaceful place to sit down and collect my thoughts.

I turn a corner and see David. He didn't see me as he just sits on the ground holding his legs close to his face. A tear streaming down his face from the lost of his girlfriend. I have determined they were dating. He glances at me and then wipes his face quickly. He gets up to leave but I call after him.

"No." He mutters.

"David, do you want to talk about it?" I offer, trying to be comforting.

He turns around walks right up to my face, looking down at me since he was at least a foot taller.

"You do know, this is all your fault." He says quietly, in a deathly tone.

"I know," I say so quietly that I barely could hear myself.

"If you hadn't been useless then you would of never been kidnapped then we would have never had to save your sorry little ass and guess what? Kimberlee wouldn't of been dead." He says inching closer to me. I take a step back to be greeted by a wall.

"David you don't mean that, I couldn't help-" I try saying, to convince him and maybe even myself that it wasn't my fault.

"No!" He yells. "Don't try saving your ass, don't try convincing me that this wasn't your fault because it was!" He says grabbing my shoulders and slamming me against the wall in anger.

Reasons not to anger a werewolf.

"David, stop, we're all on the same team!" I say weakly back, I'm lifted off the ground now and being pressed up against the wall of David's grasp.

He drops me, taking deep breaths. He walks away a bit and then looks back at me. Suddenly a giant brown wolf is in front of me. Running in circles. It looked like David didn't know how to deal with the anger and with the grief. He then stares at me. It looked like his yellow eyes were piercing into my soul.

"David..." I warn.

He pounces. I turn into a werewolf completely painless. I notice the more you turn into a werewolf the less it hurts.

David tackles me and we start rolling. We're biting at each other like two baby puppies when they first start learning to fight with their siblings. Except in this case it's werewolves...

David is scratching at me. I can't take it. I start running down the hall, my awkward wolf body slamming into little tables with flowers on them and knocking down pictures.

David then attacks me again. I try fighting him off but he is probably bigger then me which mean he weighs a lot more.

"What the hell is going on- shit!" I hear a voice that sounds like Lucas.

"Jayce! Sage!" He calls.

David is still on me, biting and snapping at me. Blood is on the floor beneath us which means one or both of us are bleeding.

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