Chapter #12 ~Sage~

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I am an idiot.

How did I not realize this! First Adrian was going to let Willow die at Diana's headquarters and now he tricked me into kissing Lucas to get back at Willow. No,  don't even ask if I liked the kiss cause I didn't. Okay? Okay.

"Adrian? Really?" Willow says as if not believing it herself.

"It makes so much sense now!" I exclaim.

"Do we- do we tell someone..?" Willow says, unsure do what to do with this information.

"How do we tell the group without Adrian knowing...?" I say also unsure.


"And you're going to keep this a secret right?" I say.

It was Jayce, Lucas, Willow and I sitting in a supply closet. We decided on a supply closet because no one would ever suspect it.

"Why are we in a supply closet? I mean I'm not complaining this is totally my level of weird but...why?" Jayce says sucking on now an almost empty bag of blood. 

"Because." Willow shrugs.

"Just get to the point before someone suspects we're in here." Lucas says, shifting uncomfortably.

Lucas was about 6'1 so I'm guessing sitting in a small closet with three other people was very uncomfortable.

"I agree with Lucas." Jayce agrees also being 6'.

"Willow and I think we know who the undercover person is." I reply, getting to the point like they asked.

Jayce and Lucas both look perplexed.

I take a breath.

"We think it's Adrian." I announce.

Jayce rolls his eyes.

"Why would you think so?" Lucas questions Willow and I.

"When Willow got kidnapped, Adrian suggested that we shouldn't go save her because he thought it was just 'bait' and that they would 'let her go'," I say using hand quotations.

"And? He didn't want anyone getting hurt or killed." Jayce defends his cousin.

Willow flinches.

"Yes, but, if he was the one working undercover then he would only be saying that because they want us to have even less numbers and not want us to attack there base."

Jayce and Lucas both think.

"Well you only have one thing, to back up your theory." Lucas crosses his arms.

"When Willow and I got in a fight, I went for a walk to clear my mind and calm down and then I bumped into Adrian. He told me that I should get revenge to get back at her and so on. After I did I wanted to apologize but he said I shouldn't." I explain.

"So?" Jayce says getting antsy.

Willow sighs, "if one of you were working undercover for Diana what would you do to take down our group?"

"Well I would take it out on the inside first- oh my god. You're right!" Lucas comes to the realization. 

Jayce's eyes also seem to widen. 

"W- What do we do?" Jayce says.

I shrug.

"Maybe we should keep it to ourselves.." Willow suggests.

We all nod in agreement.


"Are you sure you want to learn?" Jayce asks.

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