Chapter #6 ~Sage~

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I left for at least 10 minutes to turn on the lights with the help of David and Kimberlee and what happens?

Willow gets kidnapped.

How the heck does she always finds herself in these situations?

Kimberlee, David and I came back to the party room to find out a knocked out Jayce and Adrian and a worried Lucas.

"What happened?" David blurts out before I could, taking in the scene that was laid before us.

"I'll explain. Someone grab water for these two first." Lucas says referring to Jayce and Adrian.


"Idiots." David says shaking his head.

"Well it doesn't need three people to turn on the damn power! You could've helped!" Lucas snaps at David.

Jayce groans and then walks out of the room holding his blood bottle.

"I'm going to go follow him..." Kimberlee says and rushes out of the room obviously not wanting to be included in a heated argument.

Lucas shakes his head.

"I think we shouldn't go save her."

We all look at who said that. Adrian stares back at us. Confident in his opinion.

"Why the hell not." David asks.

"Diana and Bart obviously took Willow for a reason. They don't need a werewolf so they took her for bait. They want us to go there and they want us to save her. It's a trap." Adrian says.

"I've had bad experiences there before, they are not just using her for bait probably." David says shaking their head.

"Please explain to me then." Adrian says folding his arms.

"Well, as you may already know they are very against werewolves because they believe we are animals. Like actual dogs they hold dog fights. In this case werewolf/wolf fights. Yes they take an actual wolf. Not a werewolf, a regular vicious wolf. They put the werewolf and wolf in a cage and the two fight to the death. The vampires there love it, they think of it as entertainment. It's sick." David finally finishes.

"What does that have to do with Willow? She's bait! They won't put her in these fights." Adrian says waving his hand in dismissal of David's statement.

"They will use her, she's a werewolf and they definitely won't put her in cell probably." David argues.

"I also have experienced my fair time there. I don't know if you remember about a year ago when they tried recruiting me, and you guys let them! You guys saved me about a month later! They didn't hurt me! And might I say by saving me you guys almost died because they out number us by over one hundred and they were planning a defence because they knew you guys were going to save me." Adrian says, barely making sense.

I guess you had to be there...?

"You're not a werewolf though Adrian, unless you want to tell us something that we don't know about you." David sasses.

"So Adrian, since your apparently in charge here instead of me, what the hell do you suggest we do?" Lucas says standing up, him looking down at Adrian who was about a head shorter then Lucas.

"I say wait it out. They'll realize that we're not coming to get her and then release her. And Lucas you are not in charge. Bruce is." Adrian leans against the nearby wall.

Did they not know I'm here? That was my bestfriend that just got kidnapped. They were expecting me to just sit here and wait for her to be released?!

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