Chapter #8 ~Sage~

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"Do you think that this plan will work?" Jayce whispers to David and I.

"No, it's probably going to end up with one of us dead." David whispers back.

Part of Lucas's plan was to split up into different groups. In one group it was Lucas, Kimberlee and Adrian, then in the other group it was Jayce, David and I.

I thought it was dumb splitting up but everyone thought it would be smart so I shrugged it off. Lucas's group would be a distraction, they would distract all the vampires while my group would go look for Willow.

All we had to do now was wait for the distraction.

Alarms start going off in the building. The plan was in place. Jayce, David and I quietly go through a back door. Hallways surround us.

"How are we going to find Willow?" David thinks out loud.

"I got this, David plug your ears." Jayce says pulls out what looks like a dog whistle.

"Oh hell no." David says and plugs his ears.

"Wait wouldn't that effect Lucas as well?" I ask Jayce, before he blows the whistle.

Jayce shrugs and blows the whistle. Of course for me and Jayce no sound was heard. A faint sound was heard, like someone yelling.

"Let's go, follow the sound." Jayce says and without warning blows the whistle again.

"Ahhhh." David says holding his hands over his ears.

Jayce ignores David and we continue running down the hall. We turn a corner and bump into what seemed like a two vampires. One was a woman with short black hair and purple eyes. The other was a younger male, he had short brown hair and dark red eyes.

"Who are you?" The woman demands.

"We have to ask you the same thing, there has been a break in we don't know if you are some of the people that have broken in." Jayce says quickly.

"This is Scott," the woman says pointing to the young man, " and I'm Meredith. Now who are you?"

"I'm Jayce, this is David and Sage." Jayce introduces us. I would've said fake names but his choice.

"What are you three doing?" Meredith demands.

"Um-" I start to say but Jayce butts in.

"Diana has given us strict orders to retrieve the werewolf prisoner and remove her from her holding place so the people intruding can't save her."

Where was Jayce coming up with all this?

Meredith hesitates then finally says in her deeper feminine voice, "I'll show you the way."

We awkwardly follow Meredith and Scott down the hallway.

"It's funny, we were just in Diana's office and she gave up no news of taking the werewolf away..."  Scott says.

"Maybe she doesn't trust you enough." I mutter.

Meredith looks stunned and shakes her head, but stays silent.

"We're not even close to the werewolf and I can already smell dog." Meredith says shaking her head once again.

I glance at David who is staring at the floor.

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