Chapter #25 ~Willow~

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"What were they doing there though?" I ask everyone in the meeting room.

Everyone was here but Bruce.

"I have no idea. Maybe to kill us? They like doing that." Joshua says. 

"There were three vampires but in the alley there were only two." Sage says.

"Was that your mom and brother Willow?" Ella asks me.

My heart twists at thought of my family.

"Yeah Willow Marie Page, was that your mom and brother?" Jayce laughs at me.

"Oh shut up, Jayce um... I don't know your middle name." I cross my arms.

"It's Lee." Lucas butts in.

I laugh, "Jayce Lee Butler."

"Lucas's middle name is James!" Jayce blurts out.

"Lucas James Santana?" Sage starts to join in on the teasing.

"Yeah that's my name, Sage Anne Kennedy." Lucas mocks.

"Guys can we get back on track?" David asks looking at the four of us shaking his head.

"I don't know, can we, David Joesph Frame." Jayce says through laughter.

"You said you'd never tell anyone!" David pouts.

"My middle name is Thomas!" Joshua says wanting to me included.

"My parents never gave me a middle name." Ella says crossing her arms.

"Okay, guys we need to focus!" David says a bit irritated.

A scream echoes through the base, making my smile fade. David and Lucas seem to also have heard it. Must be our werewolf hearing.

"Did you guys hear a scream?" I ask.

Lucas and David nod. Everyone else seems confused.  Suddenly a loud ringing sound fills my ears. It was so loud I felt like my ears were starting to bleed.  I scream out in pain, my hands immediately go to my ears.  My head started to throb from the pain. It send jolts of pain through my entire body.

I look up just long enough to see Lucas and David having the same problem I am. Sage kneels over me trying to talk but her face is drowned out.  The ringing stops abruptly leaving a quiet ringing in my ear.

"Those damn dog whistles!" David curses.

I remove my hands from my ears to see a fresh coat of blood.

"They're here." I mumble standing up.

I start rushing out the door, everyone following me.

"Who's here?" Sage asks me, lightly jogging next to me.

We burst through the base's doors.  Fresh air hits me, clearing my senses.

I hear crying.  Lucas and David are already running in the direction following the sound. I know the crying was far away because only Lucas, David and I could heard it because our werewolf hearing.

After what felt like hours of running something hits me in the gut.  I stumble.  Everything was happening so fast.  Things, I suppose vampires, were moving so fast they were blurs.  In almost seconds the setting around has changed.

No one was with me. Someone grabs my hand and I jump. I turn to my left to see Sage.  She seemed shaky.

"Where are we? Where is everyone?" I ask her.

"I-I don't know...?" She stutters.

"I know!" A voice calls behind us.

I spin around to see Diana.  On her right stood what seemed to be two adults. What looked to be potato sack was on each of their heads. On her left were two adults and a child, all had their faces covered. 

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