Chapter #29 ~Willow~

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By the time we reach the base it's already dawn. The rising sun sends a warm glow over the tree's falling leaves. We rush inside and make our way to the training room, which has become our hangout over the past month.

As we make our way there, I couldn't help but feel the soreness in my feet and legs. The throbbing sensation in my head making everything go quiet. My eyes hurt from staying open for so long. My whole body screamed at me for sleep.

"Where were you guys!" Lucas yells from underneath a bench press. His shirt laid beside it on the floor. Sweat glistened off his chest and muscular torso.

Josh and Ella stop sparring to look over at us. Ella shows a sigh of relief and Joshua's eyebrows knit together.

"Long story..." Jayce says before collasping on the ground and letting out a loud sigh in weariness.

David walks into the training room yawning. He still wore pjamas. "Oh look! They're alive! I'll go tell-" he yawns again, "-Bruce." He then turns back around.

Jayce wipes the dirt and sweat of his face. He had a tear in his jeans, possibly from running through the forest. Sage speeds out of the room and after a couple seconds comes back with two blood bottles. She tosses one to Jayce, the bottle hitting him in the stomach with a grunt.

"Thanks..." He mumbles sitting up. Sage sits next to him and also drinks from her bottle.

Lucas walks over and hands me a water bottle. He eyes me, examining for injuries.

"We thought you were dead. We were going to search for you this morning." Lucas solemly says, not making eye contact with us. I could now see the dark bags under his eyes. He wasn't standing with his usual posture.

After drinking some water I sigh and also sit down on the floor, wanting to give my feet a break. "I, um, saw some pawprints. I followed them but ended up falling in a trap. These two random men, Odell and Nigel, helped me out and then knocked me out and brought me into their base. I was brought to their leader to be eaten, but Jayce and Sage then found me and we escaped." I sumarize.

"It was a pack of werewolves. I didn't know they gathered in packs..." Jayce shakes his head, "anyways their base was falling apart so they lead us out and from there we escaped."

Lucas frowns, "I didn't know werewolves still made packs. They did many decades ago but they stopped by the ninety's."

"The leader, Asa, knows Diana. It's his older sister. He hates her though." I make sure to point out.

"Wow what a shocker, Diana's family hates her." Ella sarcastically says, sitting in between Lucas and I. Joshua follows.

Bruce and David walk into the room. Bruce is grumbling about who knows what, while David listens carefully.

"Well look who decided to come back from a mission I didn't even assign!" Bruce smiles coldly at Sage, Jayce and I. He looks down at us sitting on the floor, his arms crossed. A vein is visible on his forehead as he breathes heavily.

"Yeah, about that..." Jayce begins but is immediately cut off.

"How old are you three? Seventeen? I would really like to think three seventeen year old, vampires and werewolf would know better then to go off and search for new recruits this close to the fight! What would happen if you were killed? Just abandoning the rest of the team!" Bruce paces, his voice thundering. He pauses and takes a breath as if recollecting himself. "This will not happen again! Am I understood?" He continues to scold us like a parent would his child.

The three of us nod frantically.

"Now go get some rest for a couple hours, you all look exhausted. The rest of the day is going to be strictly training. No leaving this base unless I give you direct orders." With that last statement Bruce walks out of the room.

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