Chapter 2: Thorough Planning

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Rin was sure the human wouldn't lash out all of a sudden.

After all those days, Amon surprisingly kept his promise to watch over Rin all by himself. Not once did the boy see him make a move to inform the other Doves that he was actually being blackmailed by a ghoul.

At first, the boy thought it was all a clever ruse-act as if you were going to cooperate then start the mutiny to kill the little ghoul. It was a tactic Rin has used himself on unsavory characters.

But as Rin got to know the ghoul investigator better, following him silently to his walk home, watching him eat and talk with his friends, the boy realized that the human was one of those that would do anything to save another human.

The self-righteous man who would risk his life for a child.

Rin could still remember the cries of the little child looking for his mother as he waded through the sea of humans, lost in the middle of a dark street.

Seeing him, all Rin could think was, what kind of parent would take their eyes off a child at night in the middle of the 7th ward where the infamous Ghoul Restaurant was?

At that time, Rin was in a café, slightly shuddering at the coldness of the air conditioner whirring mechanically right next to him. The coffee wasn't doing any warming up for him. It didn't taste good either.

He was trying to pull his eyes away from the boy but then the boy passed with a tear streaked face and a nose redder than a tomato.

'It's none of your business.'

But he was already moving out of the café, his brown eyes never leaving the child's as he sighed, the usual disappointment for humanity swirling deeply in his chest as he carefully followed the black haired child.

Knitting his brows together, Rin looked up from under his long, pale fringe, his eyes shifting from one human to another then back to the child.

None of the humans were making a move to help. Some did look and give a minute look of sympathy but kept moving with the crowd anyway.

Now, they stuck with the 'it's none of my business' phrase really well.

It pissed Rin off.

The boy stopped at an intersection, his cries softening now. It seemed he had calmed down. Rin raised a blonde brow, impressed and a little amused.

The kid seemed brave and smart. Rin wasn't really a citizen from the 7th ward, he was a nomad but he did have an idea of where the police station was in each ward he had visited before.

After the child had weaved aimlessly through random streets, he finally calmed down and headed to the police station. Smart move, of course and it was even more so impressive that a child only half taller than a fire hydrant knew where the police station was.

'Still reckless though.' Rin thought as he watched the little boy maneuver himself through the crowd, occasionally staring into alleyways and probably thinking that they were better shortcuts.

Rin scoffed, feeling the familiar pang of disappointment again.

If the boy ever went through one of those, Rin would probably attack and end his miserable life quickly before another ghoul got a hold of him. It would've been a predictable outcome anyway. Boring and usual.

In the back of his head, he knew he was only following the child merely out of curiosity of what he would do when he was lost and what would happen if someone else had caught sight of him.

These days, it's been harder to hunt what with all the Doves roaming around the wards like rats.

Imagine, for a ghoul to come upon a stray human child.

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