Chapter 19: Erin Murakami Is...

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It was just a quick ride through the city before they finally got to the mall but all throughout, Rin was thinking.

'How can I escape this useless trip?'

Now and again, he glanced at Amon, wondering why the muscle mound agreed to come along even when Rin was a newly tested Dove burning with hate and annoyance for both Amon's muscly presence and the trip he was forced into.

Nevertheless, Rin knew that going along with the ridiculous pastime was the easiest thing to do. Though he and Aki aren't exactly close friends, it was obvious enough that the human was the leeching type. If he found a decent target, the poor victim can kiss their freedom goodbye.

Rin lips twitched at that, the urge to growl at Aki getting stronger the louder the human's voice got at the front seat. Endlessly, the boy kept talking about cars, their drivers, and their license plate, "Oh, look, a Bentley! I barely see those cars around here!" he would yell. Or, "Hey, Erin, you think that girl would go on a date with you? She's real pretty." Or, "God, I hope we get there fast."

"Me too." Rin finally growled.

Beside him, Amon was subtly shifting away from Rin, probably making sure that if the boy finally exploded, he wouldn't get caught in the crossfire.

Rin deeply appreciated that. At the slight distance, the ghoul was able to calm down even just a bit.

'Well. At least I don't have a schedule for today.'

After the cab ride and Aki's endless glee at the lack of traffic, they finally got to the mall.

Rin has never been in a mall.

Everything he owned came from thrift shops. There was no special reason. Just that they had inexpensive things and he didn't really have care for expensive things. If it was a shop that had what he needed, that's where he'll go. And thrift shops usually had everything.

Walking underneath the glass roof and weaving through the sea of humanity, Rin kept his head down, not really sure of what to do. The place was nice, well ventilated and smelled faintly of fancy soaps. But with this many humans walking past his hungry state, Rin was finally reminded that he hadn't eaten proper ghoul food in weeks and it was taking its toll on his health and sanity.

Worst comes to worst, he'd end up going on a rampage and expose himself to the Doves and probably the other ghouls who want to kill him. With that thought in mind, it only occurred now to Rin how dangerous this situation was. And with two other Doves practically guarding him to boot.

Feeling his stomach curl into itself, he slowed his walk a bit, grinding his teeth to hide the pain ripping through his insides. 'Should I just run away?'

As if hearing the boy's thoughts, Aki suddenly turned his head and asked, "So, why'd you actually come with us?" The lopsided smile on his face was curled enough to further heat Rin's anger, "At least give us a little more resistance. This is getting boring."

Rin curled his lip at that, wanting to actually growl at the brat. "If I did resist you'd be a dead heap curled in the street right now."

A passerby heard Rin's words. Repulsed and shocked by it, the man's eyes widened as he muttered a frightened "Jesus." under his breath. Rin on the other hand wanted to pat himself on the back. His words were kindness. If anyone had talked to him this way back then, he would've cut them in half before they could even scoff.

Aki whistled at Rin's reply, not really affected by the boy's attempt at intimidation. "Cruel. Really cruel."

Rin huffed. This type of bickering was getting tiresome. "Swear that you're never gonna bother me again after this."

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