Chapter 25: Resuscitation

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Amon's POV:

Rin had always been quiet even when they were around each other. Perhaps the lengthiest conversation he and Amon ever had was during that night. When Amon finally decided that he wanted to kiss Rin and know if the warmth of his lips could dominate the cold rudeness brewing in his short frame almost all the time. 

Even if Rin didn't talk too much, Amon didn't mind. For some reason, his cold silence wasn't so cold around Amon. It was like being with a lion that was never tame from the start but would tolerate the presence of specific people.

But this was the longest time the black haired boy had stayed so quiet and Amon had to rethink about that lion analogy many times before he decided to follow him. As Amon quietly followed, making sure to keep a safe distance in case Rin suddenly wanted to punch something, he counted the minutes and the streets they had passed even under the heavy rain.

'3 minutes?' and that was just the time a few minutes ago. Sighing through his nose, he looked up at Rin's back after looking out through the streets he was about to pass. 

Everything was quiet. And it was a lot like Rin was the source of all that silence.

For a moment, Amon regretted helping Rin find out about this Jin person. Before he came into the archives, Amon and Aki talked about why a rookie had such a mad need to see the file of a specific ghoul.

"He's meticulous." Amon remembers telling Aki while the investigator was busy typing in passwords into locked folders and simultaneously eating a burger with the other hand.

Of course, Aki refused to believe that and simply stared at Amon with an exaggerated bored expression that made even Amon want to punch him. But as the senior he was, all he could do was grit his teeth and fight back with an equally annoyed look.

Aki went back to his typing though while nodding his head and shaking a disapproving finger at Amon. "He's got you aaaallll wrapped up in his little finger. Can't you see that, man?" Aki shook his head again.

Amon said nothing except, "I trust him". 

 Of all the days he spent with Rin even while knowing he was a ghoul, there was never once a time he felt that Rin wanted to truly kill him. He wanted to tell this to Aki but that could lead to a more troublesome conversation so he just kept quiet. 

He didn't want to admit that maybe Rin really was sending his mind all kinds of ways either. Even now, Amon was hoping to see Rin again. Even if it was just a glimpse of that, sometimes, very adorable, scowl.

'A smile would be a thousand times better though.'

At some point, Aki punched Amon's stomach as he grimaced and said, "Keep that smile off when you're thinking about your boyfriend, God that's just rude."

For a moment, Amon wanted to punch himself. He should've thought this through better. 

Rin almost never asks for anything. It was the first favor Amon had ever gotten from him and it was certainly odd. But Amon was momentarily blinded with what he dared to call contentment. For the first time ever, Rin seemed to trust him with something and Amon failed to even wonder about what Kazuma jin had anything to do with it.

Obviously, Amon made a mistake. He was watching Rin from the side the whole time. Aki seemed completely oblivious to every movement Rin made but Amon knew so much better. 

He had never seen him so still and silent. 

Expertly, like an actor with many years of training and practice, Rin made it look like Jin's profile was just another sad story spun by the CCG's violence but after all the time they've spent together, after watching Rin so much, Amon noticed the way his face paled under the cold light, how the lines in his jaw stiffened at the news of Jin's death.

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