Chapter 10: Unexpected Meetings

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The good thing about the price for this information was that it wasn't money. For Rin, money weighed so much more over his own life. Ever since he could remember, he'd been running away, risking his life from all kinds of people. This being done almost on a daily basis, he was used to putting his life on the line for even the most ridiculous of reasons. But money. Money was different and difficult to lose for a ghoul on the run.

After a long second of staring at Itori's mischievous smirk, Rin nonchalantly let his eyes float away, his shoulders lazily bobbing. "I can get away."

Despite his confident words, he could feel the prick of doubt tugging at his mind like an amused child.

Itori obviously didn't buy his façade however. She raised a brow at the boy and asked, "How?"

"I don't know, I'll figure it out later." Rin said. His eyes suddenly floated back towards Itori and saw that she was holding down a giggle. The girl's amusement was unmistakable. Thoughtfully humming to herself, Itori leaned down the countertop, resting her elbows on the glass top and folding slim hands under her chin.

"I wonder..." she hummed with a smirk on her plump lips, her eyes glimmering with a dark curiosity that simply made Rin go tense. "What exactly did Jin do to you to rile you up so much? You don't seem like the type to put in much effort into things."

Rin stared at her for a moment, glaring. Just like the blood swirling lazily in his glass, he allowed his anger and annoyance to fill the air around his form, snaking around him and curling like a dark mist until he finally saw Itori's smirk carefully shrink into a smaller, mildly uncomfortable smile.

Pulling away, Itori straightened herself and crossed her arms. "Alright. I won't ask."

Rin wanted to sigh in relief. Though he was currently in a situation where exchanging information was necessary, the boy still cringed at the idea of telling Itori why he was looking for Jin. Actually, even the old man back in Anteiku shouldn't know about his plans.

'Yet you're here working for him and his human loving fools.'

Right then, Itori's mischievous grin shook him out of his thoughts.

"But now, I won't tell you anything more about Jin."

Rin instantly felt his eyes pulse in a heated red. He did tell himself that he had to keep calm before he got to Halter Skelter but obviously, he still needed more practice.

Behind him, he heard another customer's chair shudder, toppling to the floor as a stifled gasp rang like Christmas bells in Rin's ears. Not even taking a glance at the frightened customer, Itori laughed good naturedly at Rin, waving her palms in front of his face, "Hey, hey, I told you, didn't I?"

The girl bent over a bit, the smirk easily resurfacing on her pale face. "Quid pro quo."

Rin grinded his teeth down, still glaring at the girl who finally seemed to be showing that she was actually enjoying herself as she muttered-"Quit frightening my customers, will ya?!".

With a final huff, Rin took his glass, swigging the thick liquid down without even tasting the tangy sweetness he first experienced. Well, with the annoyance bubbling in him right now, it seemed impossible to enjoy a good drink anyway.

"Forget it." Rin muttered under his breath, listening to the bottom of the glass clacking against the table top as he turned his back to the red haired girl.

"Not interested in Jin anymore?" Itori called in a sing song voice. "Or why I want you to go to the CCG?"

Rin wanted to know, of course but a more dominant side of him wanted to go home already. All throughout their conversation, he'd been feeling the familiar tugging at the back of his stomach-a subtle warning that he had to run away. Rin never knew what he had to run away from but he never stuck around to find out. Other than that, he's given away enough information to this woman.

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