Chapter 21: Surrender

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Yukinori Shinohara, in Rin's perspective was an older version of Amon. He was visibly strong, capable, and naively kind. But in Shinohara's eyes, Erin Murakami was-

"-Shorter than I expected. Hahahaha!"

It was a good natured laugh that made Amon hide his own snicker behind a poorly managed cough, and was friendly and harmless enough that even Rin managed a small smile and a short chuckle. Beside him, Amon glanced with a hint of playfulness shining in his eyes.

"So I've been told." In many other ways, Rin's height had been criticized and his dignity scarred so this was nothing. Right when Rin was about to strike up a conversation of what or who made him expect so much about Rin's appearance, Amon cleared his throat and pointed a thumb to the front doors.

"Sorry, Shinohara but don't you think we should..."

Suddenly, the older man straightened himself. With a helpless look, he curled the edge of his mouth – a motion that probably hinted at the need for straightening his back and looking more dignified. "Ah, right." He turned to Rin now, the warm smile still present between his sunken cheeks.

"It was nice meeting you, Erin, but I need to go. I have to fetch 'The Problem Child from the police station."

He said 'problem child' with such finality, Rin had to wonder who this kid was to produce such a reaction.

"Actually, Erin will be coming along." Amon said.

When Rin made a move to turn on his heel and attempt a quick getaway, Amon bodily blocked his path, grabbed Rin's shoulders and turned him to the door, practically shoving Rin forward. "this one has some unfinished business with the police."

A shocked look spread over Shinohara's face. "You too?" he mumbled, sounding hesitant about his own question.

"In my defense," Rin started as the three of them walked through the front doors and towards the parking lot, "my case was years ago. And like I said, Koutarou, I've already fixed that with the police."

"You never said that you fixed it with them. I'll believe you when I see the police report clear with your name."

Rin wanted to groan at that but it was starting to sound like an interesting trip thanks to Shinohara's problem kid. That, and an entirely new Dove showed up right before them. Rin thought of Shinohara as kind but that a human deemed kind to other humans may be a merciless terror before ghouls and Rin could feel that his gut was practically wrenching itself away from the man.

On their way to the station, Rin insisted to sit in the backseat.

"I don't want to be the black hole between nostalgic conversations." Rin said, "Please don't mind me."

It was a half-truth. Two parts of Rin kept thinking that Shinohara was someone to watch out for and someone to trust. He didn't really know which part he should've listened to but right now, it was important that he stayed seated where he could observe the man and make sure he wouldn't literally get stabbed in the back.

Just because Amon trusts him doesn't mean Rin should. This was the first time the two people met and it was possible that the man had incredible senses that could've spelled disaster for a run-away ghoul like Rin.

After a few minutes of listening to the two men talking about which investigator would fight best against which dangerous 20th ward ghoul, they finally got to the station. As they climbed out of the car, the sound of someone talking one sidedly to someone made its way from inside the station all the way to Rin's ears.

Shinohara slumped at the sound. "Oh God, it really is him." He sighed, "I hoped this wasn't true."

Rin didn't get a good look of the kid at first. Shinohara and Amon went inside before him. And from far behind the two mountains, he could only hear Shinohara sheepishly say,

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