Chapter 5: Bargains and Threats

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Author's Warning: Heavy cussing. If you're a child, don't read. If you're reading it anyway, DO NOT COPY RIN...HE'S A HORRIBLE ROLE MODEL.

Walking down the streets, Rin tried to control his expression with a hard grit of his teeth. Everyone was starting to stare but the boy continued walking onwards, thinking of where Rize could have gone.

"What a scary glare." One human who passed had said.

Rin thought that the guy probably said it out of shock and just couldn't help himself from saying it with such a loud voice but Rin started to get the feeling that the guy was telling him out right to calm down. Which was quite impossible at the moment that the impatient heat was curling around his neck. He tried not to stick out a rude finger at the stranger.

'Dumbass.' He hissed to himself, gritting his teeth and pulling his head up, attempting to soften his gaze. He sighed and dropped his head again.

There was no way he could be patient now that he had a lead for his brother's death-the lead which was threatening to snap off and totally disappear like a spider's silken string.

He should've asked where Rize was going before she left and since that girl was a lot like him-someone who just loves moving all over the place, she could probably be in another ward by now.

Like rubies under the glare of the sun, his eyes suddenly brightened over blackness.

Feeling the hotness in them, he quickly pulled his head down, calming himself and trying to bring down the pulse thumping on his pale neck. It was too bright a day to suddenly let his eyes go black and red at the sudden idea that blinked in his head.

Rin grinned to himself. 'I did ask for her number before.'

Feeling around his pockets, he blinked and literally froze mid-walk, letting the few people move against him as he stood like a rock in the middle of a smooth, flowing river, utterly shocked at himself.

His phone wasn't in his pockets.

Blinking with a slight shock that ate at him like a nibbling insect, he sighed, finally moving again, this time feeling disheartened.

'I must've left it at home.' It wasn't a usual thing for him to lose or forget about anything since the last time Rin forgot about something, he nearly had his head get snapped up by a crazy ghoul that kept screaming: "CAT, CAT! I WANNA TASTE THE BIG CAT!"

Looking up from his lashes, Rin straightened himself once again and ignored the way people stared at the straightness of his back, the way he held his chin up and projected a self confidence that still didn't topple towards arrogance even after all the gossips he's heard about himself.

To normal people, most of them were unpleasant. But Rin loved being a ghoul that everyone was terrified of and delighted in hearing the gasps and stunned silence they gave back when their fellow humans talked about how his victims were found partially eaten with one of their eyes gouged out, stabbed cleanly by his kagune. Hearing the way everyone reacted to him, he always beamed. It gave him a sense of power and pride.

Huffing, Rin glanced around, puffing his lower lip out in a pout. Since he was missing his trusty gadget, the ghoul had to go full on old school detective mode in this goose chase.

Trying to analyze each shop, he wondered if they would be the kinds the purple haired woman would walk right into.

Right as he was searching, he blinked, stopping right before a two storey building. There wasn't anything seemingly special about it, just that there was a short, standing lamp propped next to a plain looking plant. But even from outside the wooden door he was staring at, he could smell the faint scent of warm coffee brewing. Though it was tough to his nose, the feeling after taking in a hearty breath melted exquisitely in Rin's lungs. Blinking, he read the words scrawled on the lamp.

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