Release Parties

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Ignore the lady in red in this picture she is irrelevant. I just liked the manip of Louade:)

May 21, 2015

Louis' POV

Black Magic came out less than ten minutes ago and it is already number one in over thirty countries. I am so proud of the girls and I can tell, everyone else here at the Black Magic release party is as well. To be honest, I can tell that in the morning we are all going to be met with a huge hangover but, right now no in really cares. The only thing that is important is celebrating the girl's massive success. It's super late...or super early in the morning, but they decided to have it know since Black Magic was released worldwide at 12:00am, LA time. The club that we are in hasn't played it yet which I don't understand but, I'm ready t hear it.

"Okay, Black Magic is now number one in 43 different countries!" the DJ yelled, causing everyone in the club to cheer. The only people who aren't cheering are the girls because they're too busy crying. They were a bunch of babies but, I could not have been anymore proud of them. The girls have gained massive success in Europe, Asia, and Australia but, America is a tough nut to crack but, they did it. I was very happy for them.

"I love you girls so much!" Leigh sobbed drunkenly, "I don't know what I would do without you!"

They were all sitting in a booth hugging on Jade and Perrie who were in the middle. The girls didn't say anything back instead, they just started crying harder. The girls are already very emotional but mixed with alcohol, you might as well bring an umbrella.

Harry and I looked at each other in slight disbelief that they are crying so hard. He shook his head knowing that we shouldn't have expecting anything different.

"Are you ready to hear Black Magic!" the DJ shouted into the microphone. Everyone started yelling and even over all of the noise, the girl's sobs could still be heard. Almost like they were agreeing with the DJ, but I knew that it was just them crying harder.

Niall walked back from the bar and sat beside me, "I honestly did not know the human body could produce that many tears." I chuckled.

"When the music starts I want everyone on their feet!" the DJ instructed, "10...9...8..." Everyone started counting down. The girls sat up and wiped their eyes. Mascara running and eyes red but Jade...I mean the girls, still managed to look beautiful.

"7...6...5...4," Jade walked over towards me and grabbed my hand standing me up from my chair.

"...3...2...1!" Then it started, a nice beat and the girls voices started playing. Everyone in the club was out on the dance floor grooving to it.

Perrie's voice started and I could already tell why the girls had gained so much success from it so fast.

By the time the bridge came, Jade was smiling and dancing around with the girls. They still had tears pouring down their cheeks but, at least know it looked like they were having a good time.

One thing that the girls did better than us was dancing. So while they were moving around to their songs on beat and gracefully, the boys and I were dancing around like rhythm deficient teenage boys.

Everyone was drunk so we really didn't care, although everyone in here could have been sober and we still wouldn't have cared. When the song ended, Jade came running into my arms.

"Don't you like it, I mean not trying to be cocky but, it's hard not to like." she rambled, giggling drunkenly afterwards.

"I do like it, honestly. It's going to be a great summer song." I smiled down at her. We were both swaying a little because we were trying to stay standing up.

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