Chapter 4

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*(Y/N) POV* 

Watari was guiding me through the halls of the Japanese Task Force headquarters. 

"(Y/N) this is where you will be sleeping, L has the room across the hall from you..not that he really uses it anyways" I couldn't help but chuckle at his little comment. Lawliet was always an insomniac. 

"Thank you so much Watari" 

"I'll be back in a little while to gather you to meet the others" 

I looked around the room and it was actually really spacious. It had a big window that had an incredible view of Japan. I decided to change into a different set of clothes. I unzipped my suitcase and skimmed through my clothing. I had decided on a pair of black leggings, my oversized (f/c) sweater and then I decided on a pair of black boots. I took my brush and started stroking my hair. I heard a knock at the door.. "It must be Watari"  I make my way to the door only to see Watari himself

"Are you ready (Y/N)?" 

"Yeah, just let me grab a couple things to put in my bag" 

"Now, (Y/N) we have decided that you have to use an alias. Lawliet's alias is Ryuzaki just so you are aware for future reference. Now what do you want your alias to be so I can inform L immediately" 

"Hm.. My alias will be Eden. I've always found that name to be quite beautiful and as for my last name it shall be Kiryu" 

"I will call L quickly before we decide to introduce you" 

As soon as he started dialing to call Lawliet I felt a rush of anxiety come over me.. It wasn't severe but it was just enough to make me nervous. I'm terrified that it will be awkward to be around him and that's not something I want.. I hope it feels just as it did when I was growing up with him. 

"(Y/N) lets make our way to the conference room" 

I walked with Watari throughout headquarters until we reach a room, he stops to look at me.

"Don't worry (Y/N), L is still the same as he was and I assure you that you will feel at your utmost comfort" 

I gave him a nod, Watari opened the door.. the second I walked in I noticed L..He still sat like a perched up bird..I gave him a small smile before I looked away.. I felt my cheeks heating up.. they felt like they were on fire. 

"Welcome Eden, it's a pleasure that you're joining the Kira Task Force" I could recognize that voice anywhere..It was Lawliet.. 

"Thank you very much Ryuzaki, it's a pleasure to be here" I smiled brightly. I wanted everyone to know that I am a kind person, someone they can easily get along with. 

"Everyone else will be introduced to Eden later, but for now I must consult with her about the Kira case so she will be all up to speed. Everyone except for Eden may leave but before this meeting starts I am going to need a slice of cake" 

I felt like everyone's eyes were on me. Lawliet wanted to speak with me alone.. I just hope I don't make a fool of myself somehow.. 

"Matsuda can you get me a slice of strawberry cake?"

"Y-yes Ryuzaki, right away" 

Soon the room was clearing out.. Soon I would be alone with him.. 

"Keep it together (Y/N).. it's just Lawliet..your childhood friend..your first and only love..oh boy, I feel like I'm going to explode.."

I heard the door to the conference room shut. It snapped me out of my mental panic attack.

"It's been a long time hasn't it (Y/N)?" 

"Lawliet, it's been five years haha" 

"Five years too long.." the moment he said that I felt kind of sad but also kind of relieved.. Sad that we went so long without contact but relieved that he missed me just as much as I have missed him. 

"I never really understood why we didn't  kept in touch L" 

Matsuda busts in through the door


"You can leave now Matsuda" 

After Matsuda left Lawliet's only focus was that damn cake. 



"If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you come looking for me after I left?" 

"Because I figured based on my calculations that there was a 95.7% chance that you didn't want to be found"

"Oh Lawliet..if only you knew how wrong you really are" 

To be continued... 

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