Chapter 16

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*Lawliet's POV*
I shuffle my way through Japan making my way to To-Oh University. I'm sure that Light will be shocked to see me there invading his personal space more than usual.

I sit myself down on a bench on campus waiting for Light to pass by, he should be coming this way any moment now.

*Light's POV*
I had just finished my afternoon classes and just as I thought I could head home in peace I notice that L is sitting on the bench. I presume that he wants to speak with me.

"Hey Light!" Ryuzaki waves with a hint of a smile

"Hey Ryuzaki, what brings you here?"

"Well, I decided it would be nice to get some fresh air and come visit you on campus. It sure does feel nice to take a break from headquarters"

Damn you L! I'm tired of you always watching my back but I am still one step ahead of  you.. Justice will be mine.

"Yeah haha, it does get quite hectic at headquarters. To think you've solved some of the most mysterious, unexplainable cases.. this is definitely not new to you. I don't understand how you do it"

*Lawliet's POV*

"I do it because I have a strong sense of justice Light. Would you mind taking a walk with me?"

"Sure, let's go! Ya know Ryuzaki we should have that tennis rematch soon."

"Yes, I agree. I was just thinking the same thing."

As Light and I continued to walk around campus there was silence until I heard a young woman's voice calling out for Light. We stop in our tracks and I turn my body facing the young female that is clutching onto Light with a death grip. It was the famous model.. Misa Amane. Soon enough a crowd of young men and women were surrounding us trying to get Misa's attention.. no surprise of course.

Wait a minute...blonde hair.. young woman..
She must be the second Kira!

I kept myself close to Misa and Light.. I had to do something in case she happens to be the second Kira. I decided to do the only thing I could at the moment.. It was time for me to pickpocket Misa. In a matter of an instant I had two of cellular phones in my possession.

I must call Watari..

"Light I have to make a quick call back to headquarters to let them know about my whereabouts. I'll be back in a moment"

I walked about 15 feet away from the crowd of screaming youth and speed dialed Watari.

"Yes L?"

"I need some arrangements to be made pronto. What I'm about to ask you to do needs to be done immediately."

*Light's POV*

After Misa was done consulting with her fans and clinging to me she had to leave for work. Thank goodness she has the busy life of a model, if she was just an average girl I would be spending a lot more time with her and that is something I don't want.

Now all I have to do is call Misa since she had met L and ask her for his real name.. then this will all be over! I dial Misa's main phone when I suddenly hear a ringtone right behind me.. on the other line I heard L's voice.. I didn't answer him, I just simply hung up and proceeded to dial the number of her second phone. Yet again I heard another ringtone in my perimeter..

"Light were you expecting to speak with Misa after she left? Because unfortunately that will not be possible."

I turn to face L trying to contain my facial expressions, I was filled with rage and in a way I guess you could say I'm panicked.

"Why not?"

"You see Light, Misa Amane has been brought in on suspicion of being the second Kira.. even though her official charge is for possession of illegal drugs. The tapes that were sent into Sakura TV had hair, fibers, and a certain type of tape used on them, we found the same items in Misa's room. Now that I have explained this to you.. I must be heading back to headquarters, I have a suspect to attend to."

Damn it!!! If Misa hadn't shown up this would have never happened! No.. I must keep calm and remain positive. As long as Misa keeps her mouth shut there will be a way out of this

*(Y/N) POV*

I was watching Misa Amane be detained in the most efficient way possible given the circumstances. I would say I almost felt bad for the girl but yet again she could be a merciless criminal. It doesn't help that when she was arrested and aware of the reasoning for why she was here.. she didn't struggle, it was like she had accepted her fate. That doesn't seem normal to me.

*Time skip*

Lawliet had made his way into the interrogation room where I was located, he looked very determined which I had to admit was a very cute look for him but aside from that we were prepared for a long night. We were going to get to the bottom of this no matter how long it takes!

Let the interrogation of the second Kira begin..

To be continued..

**I just want to take a moment  to thank you all for the 3k+ reads! <3 I love you all! Xoxo


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