Chapter 11

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*(Y/N) POV* 

Once everyone had finally calmed themselves down in the conference room, Lawliet had decided to play the video. By the end of it I felt pretty confused. It didn't sound like the Kira we had heard from before.. this changes everything.

I rose my hand to speak freely

"Yes Eden? Is there anything that you would like to say in regards to the video?"

"Yes, see.. I don't know if it's just me but I feel like this video was not made by the same Kira that we have heard from previously. This might be a bit of a stretch but is it possible that there is a second Kira? Maybe a partner in crime?"

"Hearing you say that has helped the probability of my theory increase. I was thinking the same thing Eden, so no it was not just you. I am going to need for you Eden to stay here to help me analyze this tape if you would please"

"Of course Ryuzaki, not a problem"

"Everyone else you may head home, Eden and I can handle things here. We will pick back up here tomorrow"

As I watched room clear out I saw Light wave goodbye to me so I returned the gesture.

"It seems that he is taking quite the liking to you (Y/N)"

"It appears that way but even I still have my doubts"

"Well, now that we have this video we are going to be busier than ever, you know that right?"

"Yes, Lawliet I know. The case is starting to pick up again, it went cold for a while. Perhaps once we have analyzed this tape in every way possible we could do a fake Kira response video. It would just have to be scripted well, if we do that we might get a response back"

"(Y/N) that's a brilliant idea, we will work on the script tomorrow. This is the exact reason you were chosen for this, you came up with an idea I hadn't thought of yet haha" 

"I suppose the script we make should explain that we will not work with them in any way.. And perhaps call the second Kira out on being a fraud..a wannabe. That might set him off" 

"Well, I guess the big question is (Y/N)..who should write the script? The broadcast has to be believable" 

"Honestly, we should have Light do it.. we do suspect him highly after all. He would be perfect for it plus maybe he'll slip up and reveal something about's a low possibility but it's worth trying for" 

"It seems like you have it all figured out (Y/N)" 

He was looking at me in such a way that I've never seen..he looks genuinely happy. He has all of the stars and the moon in his eyes. I see him blossoming into the young boy I once knew. He has endured a lot since then but he is definitely coming out of his shell. 

*Time skip* 

We finished analyzing the tape around 2am. We were both exhausted so we decided to call it a night. We arrived back at my room and he basically tucked me into bed, we had decided to not stay the night together due to the sudden pickup in the case. We don't want to get to distracted. He leaned down to kiss my forehead, he always makes me feel giddy.. I don't know what it is about him but he really knows how to love me. 

"Goodnight (Y/N)..I love you. Get some rest and I'll see you in the morning okay?"

"I'll see you in the morning Lawliet.. I love you too. Goodnight" 

I leaned up to give him a sweet kiss on his lips before parting ways. It hurt a little that we couldn't stay together for the night..he helps me sleep. 

*Time skip* 

I woke up the sound of my was 8:30am and I had barely gotten any sleep last night. I was restless. I tossed and turned all night.. this case is really fucking with me. 

I got up to take a quick shower, once I was finished I had decided to dress pretty casual for the day. I wore a grey sweater with black skinny jeans and some slippers. I was just not feeling it today but my duty as a detective is to carry on. 

I brushed my teeth and combed my hair then proceeded my way to the conference room as I have been doing for almost two months now. I'm not even sure that if I knew what I was getting myself into if I would have taken this position.. I don't regret seeing Lawliet again but I'm starting to regret taking on this case.. 

Chaos had already started in the conference room, at my desk I saw a hot cup of coffee.. I definitely needed it. I wonder if it was Lawliet who put this here..or if it was Light Yagami. 

From what I could hear behind me Lawliet must have proposed the fake Kira broadcast idea that I came up with. Everyone seems to be on board with it, now I'm curious if they've put Light to work on the script. 

"Ryuzaki, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes Eden, what is it?" 

"Have you discussed with them how we want Light to write the script? That we think he will be most suitable for this job.." 

Light of course was quick to jump into the conversation.. 

"You two want me to write the script for this tape?" 

"Yes" Lawliet and I said in unison. 

"I suppose we should get to work on that then" Light sighed and made his way to get a piece of paper. I looked to Lawliet and crossed my arms. 

"I want you to work on the script with him, I don't feel like dealing with him at the moment..I'm too tired for it" 

"I'll handle it Eden, don't worry" 

I turned back around and sat at my desk.. I didn't feel like doing anything today so I just sat back and made myself look busy. I'd rather listen and analyze what they find.

A short amount of time has passed and the script was finished. Lawliet was in the process of recording the message and editing it. Everything is going smoothly so far..we had all decided to release the broadcast this evening. 

*Time skip* 

It was now around 9:30 in the evening and we were minutes away from releasing the broadcast. We are expecting a response in a couple days. I had decided to head to say my goodbyes to everyone for the night because I was exhausted. I'm glad that today was over, sleep would be my savior. 

I believe that this case is going to bring on terrible things in the near  future...

To be continued...

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