Chapter 10

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*Lawliet's POV* 

I woke up to the smell of (Y/N)'s strawberry scented hair and it made me groan in annoyance.. I didn't want to leave her, I didn't want to go work on the Kira case if that meant I had to leave her side but unfortunately I don't have any other choice. If Light or anyone in the Japanese Task Force found out about our affair behind closed doors her life and cover would be put at risk. 

I eased my way out of her embrace and headed out the door. I walked into my room which was directly across the hall from (Y/N)'s and plopped down on my bed contemplating to call Watari or not. After a moment of thought I had decided to get Watari on the phone to explain to him the plan that is in motion. It was kind of foolish of me in a sense to assign (Y/N) this mission without notifying Watari on the matter. 

"Is there anything you need L?" 

"I was calling to notify you that (Y/N) is undercover on an assignment"

"L, I am aware that she is undercover hence why we gave her an alias" 

"That's not what I meant Watari. She is undercover with the objective of exposing Light Yagami as Kira. She is planning to get rather close to him by all means necessary...even if that includes being intimate with him.." 

"I sense some tension in your voice L, are you envious of the situation? Or just concerned?" 

"It's both of those things, I don't like thinking about what she will be doing with him and I don't want her to be injured in the process either.. If something happens to her it will be my fault because I asked her to do this" 

"You shouldn't concern yourself too much. (Y/N) is a magnificent detective, even if something does happen which I doubt it will.. she wouldn't blame you L. She is stronger than it seems, give her a little bit more credit. Have a little faith" 

"Thanks Watari, I'll call you later" 


*(Y/N) POV*

I woke up to find the space beside me empty, that must mean that Lawliet left early due to the fear of being caught. I'm glad he thinks things through because when it comes to him, it's hard for me to keep a clear head. 

"Oh how I love that man.."

I arose from my bed ready to face the day, I know it's going to be a long one. As I was getting ready I couldn't take my mind off of the fact that we have been working on this case for a little over a month now, it makes me curious to know how long this will last. I just want to solve this case, bring justice to the families of the victims and live a simple and content life with Lawliet. 

*Time skip* 

It was midday and I was feeling exhausted, I figured today I should work towards getting on a more personal level with Light. I left my desk to head towards the break room, I have been lacking caffeine and I'm in desperate need for a pick-me-up. 

Shortly after walking down the hall I could sense someone was behind me but I had to ignore it because I knew it was Light. Once I reached the break room Light came strolling in shortly after as I had anticipated. Who knows maybe he will strike up a conversation with me. 

"Hey Eden, how are you feeling today?" 

Speaking of a conversation... 

"Eh, I could be better.. I haven't been able to get much sleep lately. How are you holding up?" 

"I'm doing quite alright, especially since I'm talking to you at the moment" he smirked at me with such ease. He's also being more flirty, this must mean he's getting comfortable and settling himself in..unless that's just what he wants me to believe. 

"I'm glad you said that Light because you make me feel more lively as well. It feels nice having another friend on the task force, especially since you're so sweet but I must be getting back to the conference room..we have a lot of work to do" 

He blushed lightly at my words, I had to admit it was cute how he is so easily influenced by my words. It made me feel like I was going about this the right way, now I just have to make sure the timing is perfect. 

"Right, of course. B-but hey Eden.." 

"Yes Light?" 

"Would you be interested in coming over to my house tonight? It would be a great way to get to know one another..if you don't mind" 

"Sounds like a date, Light Yagami. Meet up with me outside of headquarters at the end of the evening" 

I quickly made my way back to the conference room and slumped myself down at my desk. I could feel Lawliet's eyes on me, I hope he looks away before Light gets back..I would hate for Light to notice something going on between least for now. 

*Time skip* 

I was sitting on the bench outside of headquarters waiting for Light to greet me. I just want to get this over with so I can come back and be with the one I'm truly interested in...Lawliet. 

But instead of Light greeting was Lawliet himself. 

"Eden, you have to come inside and check this out! Kira sent us another video" 

I ran inside passing Lawliet, this could be what we were looking for. Every direction in this case leads to a dead end... this could be our big break!

To be continued...

*I would just like to thank each and every one of you who has taken the time to read my story, I didn't expect to have 500+ reads already :D It makes me happy to know that people are enjoying a story that I have written. It means more to me than you guys will ever know so again thank you very much!

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