Chapter 14

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*Light's POV*
I can't just shun her away and pretend like this incident never happened.. She's a threat. I have to try to eliminate her as soon as possible.

"Misa come on in.." I quietly opened the front door to find my mother and sister still standing there where I left them.
"Mom, Misa was kind enough to drop off a notebook that I left at school.. Would it be okay if she visited with me for a little while?"
My mom gave me a look of confusion.. Like she wanted to know who this Misa girl is.
"I'll explain later mom, besides I've already told you about her"

I lead Misa to my bedroom and shut the door. She had taken it upon herself to find a seat in my room, I sat down on my bed facing her.
There was silence in the room for a moment because I was unsure of how to go about this situation but I suppose we have to start somewhere.
"Misa, I guess my first question is how did you find me?"
"I knew it! I had a hunch that you hadn't made the Shinigami eye deal! In case you didn't know when you make the Shinigami eye deal you can see everyone's name and life span around you except for a person who possess a Death Note"
I looked over at Ryuk with a look of spite, how could he not be aware of that important detail?
"Come on Light, you can't be angry with me. Us Shinigami can be blind to the details of what a human with Shinigami eyes can see"

"I see, so now you have found me. There's one thing I have a problem with, how do I know that you weren't careless? What if the Japanese police find evidence on the tapes you sent? You could expose the Death Note! And the power that humans can obtain from Shinigami."
"Light, the police hasn't caught me and as long as I follow the orders you give me.. They'll never catch us. Don't you need L's real name? I could be your eyes and we could rule this world together! So.. I guess.. I just have something to ask you"
"What might that be?"
"Would you make me your girlfriend Light Yagami?"

Girlfriend?!.. If I don't go about this the right way and she sees that I'm just using her.. nothing more.. she could kill me.

"Listen, Misa as much as I would enjoy being your boyfriend.. It's impossible. You see the day you found me in Aoyama there were multiple cameras around, that means that you must be on the surveillance cameras as well as I am. If we are seen together that could be a problem and raise suspicion. Even us being together at this very moment is risky"
"But Light, I wore a disguise the day I went to Aoyama, see?"

She presents two photos of her from that day, a full body shot and a headshot.. She looks like an entirely different person.. She really went this far? Just to find me.. She's not as stupid as I thought.

"How do I know I can trust you Misa?"
"You could hold onto my Death Note but you would just be holding it! I'm still the rightful owner of this Death Note. Isn't that right Rem?"
"Yes, that's correct"
"Misa why go this far for me, for Kira? Why are willing to subject yourself to being nothing merely but a tool for me to use?"
"A year ago my parents were murdered in a robbery.. the man that killed my parents got away with his crime but suddenly Kira punished him! He brought justice to me and my family.. That is why I worship Kira, that is why I am so indebted to you Light Yagami"

I didn't expect her to worship me on the account of me bringing justice to her but it makes sense.. She did manage to get around the surveillance cameras and she managed to not leave any fingerprints on the tapes. She wasn't careless plus she's promised to listen to me. As long as I'm in control of this, nothing can go wrong.
I slowly walk towards her and throw my arms around her.. I could tell that she was enjoying this.
"I understand Misa, I can't be your boyfriend but I can act like one. I'm grateful to you and those eyes you sacrificed half of your lifespan for will not go to waste. That I assure you"
"Thank you so much, Light"

I will arrange for her and L to meet somehow.. She'll give me his real name and we will eliminate the entire task force. Then, Misa will share the same fate because she is the only one to know Kira's true identity..

*(Y/N) POV*
Tonight was one of the nights that Lawliet and I took off. This was the first time since we started investigating this case together, it's not easy having a relationship with the worlds greatest detective considering we are constantly busy. We had decided to stay in my room at headquarters, watch films, play board games and of course.. eat sweets! It was now late and we were laying in bed, just relaxing in the dark while embracing one another.

"(Y/N), how has your analysis been going?"
"Lawliet, I'm glad to know you're interested but I would like to not talk about work. I'd actually rather talk about you"
"Well haha, what about me?"
"What do you think life will be like once you retire from being a detective? Any particular plans you'd like to follow through with?"
"The day I retire from being L the detective will be a hard day. I don't have any specific plans but I would like it if I was with you after I retire"
"Lawliet that's so sweet of you to say, I feel the same way. I want to be by your side always. Is anyone going to be taking over for you when you retire? I know Wammy's House raises a lot of wonderful geniuses that are eligible for your spot"
"Actually, I have two successors. They have been competing against one another ever since I've known them. They are both exceptional young men, I just am unsure of who to pick yet"
"Well, tell me more about them. I'd really love to know more"
"Their names are Mello and Near.. I guess you could say that Near is very similar to me. The way I am with sweets is the way he is with puzzles and toys. Near thinks rationally without his emotions getting in the way, his deductive skills are excellent as well. Mello on the other hand is a chocolate fanatic, who is hot-headed and never thinks clearly... his emotions always get in the way but that doesn't make him any less of a skilled successor to me. I often wish that they got along because then I'd allow them to work together as my successors"
"They sound really wonderful Lawliet, I hope to meet them someday. Who knows maybe they'll learn to accept each other"
"I sure hope so.. Mello, Near, Watari and you are like the only family I have. If I'm going to be completely honest, I find myself becoming attached to the task force as well"
"Hm, that's almost out of character for you Lawliet haha"
"Trust me, I'm aware haha. I blame you!"
"Why me?!"
"Because you've always brought out that side of me.. You can open me up and read me like a book. It's been that way since we met, I remember thinking that it was an inconvenience for me until it dawned on me months later that I needed someone like you"
"I love you Lawliet"
"I love you more (Y/N)"

To be continued...

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