Chapter 9

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*(Y/N) POV* 

The entire day I spent working in the conference room I contemplated how I would go about my undercover mission. I knew I would have to approach this situation with a calm and rational process. I had to get Light Yagami to trust me one way or the other. This won't be an easy task considering if he is Kira he will have a hard time placing faith in another human being. I arose from my seat and decided to let my instinct's carry me through. 

It's now or never..

"Uh..hey Light"  the moment he heard me say his name he turned around to look at me, he gave me that classic smile. If he is Kira I can understand everyone else's confusion, he would never seem like the type. 

"Oh, hey Eden.. Is there anything I can help you with?" 

"It's not something you can really help me with...well I suppose it is. I was wondering if you would like to walk with me to the cafe down the street? I hear they have fantastic coffee" I decided to give him a little smile to make this little charade more believable. 

All he could do was stare at me in shock, was it in a good way or a bad way? 

"Sure Eden, I'd really enjoy that. Just let me notify my father" 

"Of course! I'll go notify Ryuzaki that we will be stepping out for a little while" 

I turned on my heel and walked towards Lawliet, I noticed that he had a hint of a smirk on his face. He must be aware that I am jumping into this rather quickly but I'm sure he understands that there is no time to waste anyhow. 

"Ryuzaki, I am just here to inform you that I will be taking my break. Light will be joining me, we will be back as soon as possible" 

L nodded at me and I presumed that was him giving me permission to leave. As I was heading out the door Light followed behind me shortly after.. I had to admit I was feeling a little nervous and overwhelmed. I have to make sure my acting skills are top notch! 

*Light's POV* 

As Eden and I are heading down the hall I can sense that she is on edge. I am curious to know why, is it because of me? It's not surprising, most women are attracted to me after all.


"Yes Light?" 

"Is there any particular reason as to why your body language screams that you're nervous?" 

She looked at me and I noticed a dust of pink on her cheeks.. I couldn't help but think about how cute she looks. 

"Well, honestly Light I am feeling a little nervous because I'm around you... I don't mean that in a negative way..but rather a positive one. Don't mind me being a little upfront but since I've met you Light..I have to say that you fascinate me" 

The way her words contour in my ears...the way she speaks.. it's so inviting.. Maybe I have misjudged her.. from the moment I saw her I just viewed her as one of L's pawns but maybe she's something much more than that..However it's going to take a lot more than her sweet words to convince me.. 

"I fascinate you Miss.Kiryu?" I smirked 

"Y-yes..You're a highly intelligent man. Very handsome too, as well as mysterious. I suppose it makes me want more of you" 

Even though I am a man that is killing thousands of people with just my hands alone..her words made my heart flutter. It was almost sickening to me, she is beautiful without a doubt. I see something in her..maybe within time she will become the Goddess of the new world. 

*Time skip* 

*(Y/N) POV* 

It was 2:00am and I was ready to call it a night but I had to give Lawliet a followup report of what happened this afternoon so I suppose I should head back to my room, I know Lawliet will be paying me a visit soon. I got settled into my pajamas and decided to heat up my leftovers from dinner. All of this investigating has heightened my appetite that's for sure. 

It was close to 4am and I was dozing off in bed when I heard the door open. I sat up from my brief moment of slumber and looked over to see L now sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"Hey (Y/N)" 

When he said my name something triggered in me, I just felt the sudden urge to hold him. Before I knew it my arms were wrapped around his torso and my head leaning on his shoulder. 

"I'm so glad you're here Lawliet.." I felt a pit in the back of my throat, I just needed comfort..he was the only person who could make me feel okay. I give off the impression that this case doesn't take its toll but it definitely does. 

"The case is getting to you isn't it? I forgot to ask you but how long has it been since you've investigated like this?" 

"Lawliet, regardless of how long it has been..I feel like the outcome of my emotion would've been the same.. previous cases have never been this hectic. I think you know that just as well as I do" 

"I suppose you're right, well I came here to discuss how things went today so if you could give me a summary that would be helpful. Just try to give me as many details as you can okay?" 

"That's not the only reason you came down to see me is it? haha" 

"Well, of course not but police business comes first. Once you've told me everything you discovered today I will be more than willing to be the loving boyfriend I am" 

"Well, I think things so far are going great. Even though I only spent about an hour or so with him at the cafe I am starting to get an idea of who he is. I put my flirtatious charm so I'm pretty sure that he has the impression that I have something for him but that's not the objective at hand..I have to get him interested in me. I pray that this doesn't take long and if it does that I don't blow my cover in the process" 

"I see, (Y/N) you have to believe in yourself. You're a great detective and that's one of the many reasons I admire you. That's also why I chose you for this assignment plus I trust you.. I trust you to make the right calls" 

He always knew how to make me feel to make me feel more confident. That's one of the many reasons I admire him. The rest of my night consisted of talking about the next move I need to make and a secret love affair. 

To be continued...

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