Chapter 8

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*Lawliet's POV* 

I woke up to the sun beaming in the window and I took in my surroundings..I heard a snoring (Y/N) next to me and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. Then it dawned on me...

"I actually slept throughout the night.."

I hadn't gotten a full night of sleep since I was just a small child, this behavior was very abnormal for me..Oh (Y/N)..look at what you do to me..

I was laying there wondering how I could get closer to Light without making it obvious. I pondered these thoughts for a while until I finally came to a solution but it would involve (Y/N) being the key. Thinking about it just my stomach turn but if it meant proving Light was Kira.. I can bare it but the only risk is a big one and that would be putting (Y/N) in danger. 

She may not be fond of having to go undercover but she is the only person suitable for this task. 

*(Y/N) POV* 

My eyes flutter open at the sound of Lawliet's voice and once my eyes have registered the image in front of me I catch him smiling at me.. 

"(Y/N) please wake up, I have a plan that I need to inform you of. It's top secret and strictly between you, Watari and I." 

"So I am taking that this involves the case? Lawliet what is this plan you speak of..?" 

"I just don't want you to freak out and pull yourself from the case..this plan takes a lot of convincing acting skills plus a lot of determination. I see you as the only person fit for this position." 

In my head I started to panic because I was so unsure of what he was trying to tell me..I know I can trust Lawliet but this case is unlike any other we have tried to solve. I hope I can put enough faith in myself since he has high hopes for me..

"What position Lawliet? Stop beating around the bush please and get to the point" 

He sighed and looked up at me with eyes that seemed almost scared...and worrisome. 

"(Y/N) I want you to get close to Light Yagami..I want you to become close friends with him and potentially even intimate if that's what it takes.."

My heart started pounding and his words echoed in my mind.. It made my stomach turn at the thought that I could potentially be entering a fake relationship with a serial killer.. that means that I could potentially die if I blow my cover even in the slightest.. I wouldn't be dating an average guy..I would be dating a highly intelligent man who has been able to keep Lawliet...the worlds greatest detective on his toes and seems to always be a step ahead. 

"Lawliet, this could potentially help us solve the case right?"


"I'm aware of the risk I am taking and I will do this.. for the sake of justice and for the sake of keeping people alive. I'll do it L.. You don't even have to ask me twice" 

"Well, it's settled then.. your undercover operation starts now. I'll notify Watari, you should get dressed and head down to the conference room while I meet with him" 

I looked at him and nodded before skimming through my closet to find a simple long-sleeved black dress that came just above my knees. I then put on a pair of black flats with a pink floral print on them to match. I rushed into the bathroom to quickly comb my hair and brush my teeth. Before I knew it I was walking towards the conference room with my heart beating hard in my chest wondering what I just got myself into.. 

"Light Yagami.. I'm coming for you.."

To be continued.... 

**Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my story! It means a lot to me and I never thought that my story would get such a positive response. I never thought I would even get up to 200+ reads so thank you all so much! Xoxo

And a special thanks to @fluttercordfangirl for always giving me feedback and inspiring me to continue <3

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