Chapter 13

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*Lawliet's POV*

I was sitting with (Y/N), Chief Yagami, Light and Matsuda discussing how we found no suspicious behavior in Aoyama. I find it rather odd... Has the second Kira come in contact with the original?

"Ryuzaki!" It was Watari... 

"What is it Watari?"

"Sakura TV apparently has a tape from the second Kira.. It was post marked on the days we were in Aoyama" 

"Play the tape Watari" 

*Light's POV* 

As the tape was being played before my eyes.. Panic has struck my mind. This imposter claims they have found me out.. No.. No it's impossible! Unless... Their Shinigami saw Ryuk and identified him as my Shinigami! No.. Even still Ryuk was hovering above a group.. There's no way he could've found me..I checked multiple times to make sure that no one was following me. This doesn't make any sense! 

*Lawliet's POV* 

If what the second Kira said was true about finding the real Kira.. Then it corresponds with the dates that Light and Matsuda went to Aoyama.. They were the only task force members there that day.. 

Is Light really Kira after all? But I suppose even so there is no proof that the second Kira found him in Aoyama.. This case just keeps getting better and better. 

*(Y/N) POV* 

Lawliet has that look on his face.. 

I feel like we've come to the same conclusion.. This raises both of our suspicions on Light Yagami even more so.. But once again it is pretty much a dead end with no solid evidence. I suppose I should speak up and initiate conversation on the matter.. 

"This is not good if they have made contact.." 

Lawliet gave me a smirk.. It was almost playfully flirtatious but no one else can see through it like I can.. "Eden, I think it's safe to say that we shouldn't jump to any conclusions.. The second Kira has only said that he found him.. Not that he's now working by Kira's side. I think since its come down to is time for the Japanese Task Force to contact the second Kira directly" 

"Why should we do that all of the sudden?" 

"We need to negotiate with him, if we offer him a deal we could potentially find out the real Kira's name" 

I glance over at Light.. His mind seems somewhere else but I won't interrupt his thoughts. If he is Kira.. I want him to panic, perhaps he will slip up somehow. 

*Light's POV* 

This is not good! I am unsure of how the fake Kira will react to their offer! But I can't just tell the task force that I don't want them to contact the second Kira.. It would only make me look more suspicious.. Damn it! 

*Time Skip* 

It was around 7:30pm when Saiyu came upstairs.. 

"Lighttttt! There's a cute girl downstairs that says she has a notebook of yours that you forgot at school" 

Could it be?...

I made my way to the front door.. I excused myself from my mother and sister. I saw a young girl around my age.. She has blonde hair and her style is unlike any other I've seen before.. But what could she want? 

"I am very pleased to meet you Light.. I am Misa Amane" 

Suddenly she pulled out a small, black notebook.. 

She has a Death Note..

The moment I touched the notebook I was now aware of her Shinigami's presence.. 

She's the fake Kira.. 

To be continued...

I had extra time to publish a chapter today! It may be a short but it feels good to update :D I'm still without a computer so I'll be updating on my phone in the meantime. Thank you guys for being so understanding <3 I hope you guys are having a good day!! ^-^ 

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