Chapter 15

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*Lawliet's POV*

After hearing the contents of the second Kira's video I am certain that he or she has made contact with the original.. there's no doubt in my mind..

*(Y/N) POV*
It had been a very stagnant day at headquarters, even though we have work to do it's a little too easy to get discouraged in this case. It seems the more we dig.. the less we find but the information we do gather is vital.
I look over at Lawliet to see him having a conversation with Light.. it's a pleasant view. He's the only real friend that Lawliet has ever had which breaks my heart due to the circumstances. Apart of me wants Light to be Kira but the other part of me hopes that he isn't.. for Lawliet's sake.

*Time skip*

It was time to call it a day, I packed up my belongings and said goodbye to everyone before walking to my bedroom.
I had a plan.. I was going to tail Light Yagami. At least for a few days, I want to see what he's been up to. He hasn't been followed since the Raye Penber incident. I have to be cautious..

I slipped on a pair of black pants, a black sweatshirt and my boots before walking out of the building. I see Light off in the distance ahead of me, I quickened my pace to be sure that I wouldn't lose him.

After walking for the past 15 minutes I see Light walk down a path with zero pedestrians so I decided to fall back a bit further, staying behind as I observed him from around the corner. I leaned up against the wall of the building next to me waiting for the perfect moment to start walking again. Suddenly I saw a young female turn down the same pathway that Light did which peeked my interest even more. Before I had time to think about it I heard her squeaky little voice


I saw Light tumble to the ground due to the impact of the young girl throwing herself at him.
Does Light have a girlfriend?.. or perhaps she's the second Kira!
After witnessing this I have to retreat from following him, I must get back to headquarters and speak to Lawliet about this as soon as possible.

*Light's POV*

"Misa what are you doing here?!"
"I-I'm sorry Light, I just couldn't wait any longer to see you! You haven't called me or even texted me.. I know that you said we couldn't communicate much but I find that to be totally unreasonable!"

This girl is too clingy for her own good.. I just have to push through this a little while longer and once I've gotten my use out of her she will be gone.

"I suppose since you're already here Misa you can come visit with me"

*Rem's POV*

There's something about this boy I don't like. I feel like he is just using Misa for his own benefit, I just want her to be safe.

*(Y/N) POV*
I quietly ease my way into my bedroom to find Lawliet sitting on the bed staring at me.

"Where were you (Y/N)?"
"I was following Light Yagami, I actually was going to look for you once I got changed into a new set of clothes to tell you all about it but I suppose since you're already here I'll tell you now"
"I actually have some news to tell you about the case but I want you to go first. One more thing, if you are going to do something like that again please let me know beforehand.. I was worried about you"
"Sorry Lawliet.. I didn't mean to scare you but when I was following Light nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary until he was trampled by a girl around his age. They seemed to be familiar with one another.. after I had seen that I decided to come back here. I felt that it would've been foolish to continue"
"Do you think she could be the second Kira?"
"I have a strong gut feeling that she may be. Now, what's this news you have on the case?"
"Well, now that you mention this.. it makes my suspicion of my Light even greater. Earlier today I had the forensics lab do tests on the packaging and the tape that was sent to us from the second Kira.. fingerprints, hair and fibers were all found. My main question is.. was the girl you saw with Light a blonde?"
"She was definitely a blonde, do you think that there's a connection?"
"I'm positive.. Now I know what our next move will be.."

To be continued...

*I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update much lately but I promise that I haven't forgotten about this story <3 I love you guys and thank you for understanding! Xoxo


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