Chapter 20

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*(Y/N) POV*

It has been about a month since Light and Misa were released from confinement and we still are stumped.. Lawliet had a special facility built for the Kira task force and we currently are residing there to complete our investigation.

It has been almost year since Watari contacted me asking for my assistance and it seems that we haven't made much progress.. sometimes I think we may never get out of this alive..

"Ryuzaki, should we call it a night? I know you don't need rest but the rest of us do"

"I suppose it is kind of late. Everyone! you can head on back to your rooms, I'll notify you if anything new comes to the surface"

I can't help but slouch and drag my feet as I stand up to walk back to my room due to the mental exhaustion I have.. I suppose it's different for Lawliet.. he's so mentally exhausted from this case that he can't even rest. He has always managed to stay calm even in the most dire situations and he has always had a strong sense of justice in the most pure kind of way..  I admire him for that.

The Next Morning

Sitting at my desk I overhear on the tv that Misa Misa was now going to be starring in the new movie directed by Nishinaka which is great! Hopefully this will keep her busy enough to stay away from headquarters.

We continued our investigation per usual and I had noticed something peculiar.. The Yotsuba stock has risen well above what seems to be average. On top of that people that are associated with the Yotsuba group have been dropping dead.. I have to bring this to Lawliet's attention! 

*Lawliet's POV* 

Attention everyone! Eden has notified me that Yotsuba's stocks have skyrocketed, this does not look good. It seems my suspicions of them may be correct. We must delve deeper and see if there is anything they're hiding. If we cant find anything useful with our usual tactics then we may need to take things up a notch. 

I have also been told by Chief Yagami that his superiors have told him to back out of this investigation. He has chosen to do so and I would like to give some of you the same offer. If you feel like you're in over your head then perhaps leaving is the best solution for you. We are in the final stages of this investigation, it will be more grueling than it has been and some of us may lose our lives but justice will be served! 

Later That Day 

We lost 5 task-force members today...I think it's time I call in my reinforcements. 

To Be Continued...

Thank you all so much for  your patience and support on this story. I am aware that I have been slacking tremendously and I owe it all to you to finish this story. I have more inspiration after coming back and seeing all of your love.  It means the world to me! Tomorrow I will publish a full chapter so keep an eye out :) I am also considering making two endings to this story.. A true ending and an alternate ending, let me know what you think about this idea! 


Author Chan 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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