Chapter 19

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*Before this chapter begins I just want to take a moment to thank every single one of you for the undying amount of love/support of this fanfic! I'm sorry for not being able to update but I got sidetracked in my life but I plan to update regularly starting now! Xoxo

A couple weeks later...

*(Y/N) POV*

"Lawliet you've been sitting there for the past hour staring off into space, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking.. that we need a plan. We need to figure out if those two are working together. At this point I feel like we don't have many options left"

"We may need to put them both in a compromising situation.. one where they feel like their lives are at stake" I sighed

In a instant I saw Lawliet jump from the coach to make a phone call

*Lawliets POV*

"Are you calling Watari?"

"No, I am making a phone call to Mr.Yagami, I have come up with the perfect plan due to your idea. I can't tell you what it is yet but you have to trust me"

She looked at me with eyes of worry and I couldn't help but cover hand with mine..

"It will be okay, you should get some rest and we will talk more about this tomorrow"

"Okay.. Goodnight Lawliet"

For a brief moment I felt the warmth of her lips on my cheek and my heart fluttered.

As I hear the door the door close behind her I can't help but feel a sense of dread..

I just hope I can always be her protector..

I finally hit the call button on my phone, it only rung once before Mr.Yagami had answered almost in a sense of panic


"Mr.Yagami please call down, I am calling to inform you that I have come to a conclusion but I will need your help"

"I'LL DO ANYTHING! Please..just tell me what I have to do"

*Light's POV*

I don't know how much longer I can take this.. As awful as it is to say.. I hope Kira strikes again just so they can see that I couldn't possibly be the one murdering people and playing God.
I know that I asked L to confine me but I understand that I was just being completely insane! There's NO WAY that I am Kira! I will do whatever it takes to prove my innocence and bring the victims of Kira to justice!  I must convince L to release me from confinement..

2 weeks later..

*Light's POV*

For the first time in a long while I am riding in the car with my father and Misa is next to me. It feels great to see the sunlight and breath fresh air after being in confinement for so long but I'm concerned because my dad hasn't spoken a word since we've been on the move and we are traveling at high speed..

"Dad, where are we going? Are Misa and I going to be released?"

"No Light, it seems that L has come to the conclusion that you two are guilty and you both shall be sentenced to death"


Misa starts to shake in panic and I feel a knot form in my throat... I've never felt such terror before in my life..

I-I don't wanna die!"

Before I know it the car has come to a complete stop under an overpass in the middle of nowhere and my dad turned to face me.

"Light you have committed some awful crimes and that is the price we will pay.. I decided that I will do this myself instead of taking you to the execution chamber. First I will shoot you then I will proceed by taking my own life. No matter what you are my son and I think that it is best that die at my hand"

Tears pour from Misa's eyes as my dad pulls out a gun, we both squirm trying to fight our way out of a losing battle but it's no use..

I feel the barrel of the gun press into the center of my forehead and I shut my eyes tightly..

"Now we will both be murderers Light! I will see you in Hell!"


*(Y/N) POV*

I could hardly believe my eyes, the scene that I was watching unfold before me was terrifying but Chief Yagami is still alive.. meaning that Light and Misa can be released from confinement.  If they were Kira they would have killed him to spare themselves.. Death was staring them in the face and they didn't waver..

"Ryuzaki you know what this means.."

"Indeed, I do"  within a matter of seconds L was speaking to Chief Yagami.

"I would appreciate it if you could explain to them as to why extreme measures were taken. Also I am happy to inform you that they both will be released from confinement starting today but I still would like to speak with them in person once you return to headquarters"

Mini time skip

Misa and Light have both returned to headquarters, they seemed to have calmed down quite a bit but comfort won't last long for Light Yagami.

L pops a sugar cube into his mouth and smiles at both of them

"I apologize that I had to take things so far but I couldn't let an opportunity like this pass. I'm sure you have already heard but you both are released from confinement"

They both sigh in relief before I speak up

"However, Misa will be under the supervision of a police officer at all times since her DNA was found on the tape that was broadcasted on Sakura TV.. we still need a clear explanation in regards to that and as for you Light.. you will be attached to Ryuzaki through handcuffs which means you will be investigating the Kira case with us full time. Understood?"

Light nods and he seems more determined than ever.

With the 3 of us pushing to solve this case I am sure things will come to an end very soon..

To be continued...

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