4-Meeting Alice

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Chapter Four

Meeting Alice

After the lesson ended a wave of students carried me out the door before I could do anything and it was then I realised I had I to make it to my next lesson alone.

I only prayed that I wouldn't get lost and end up in China. As I was walking out the door my bag got hooked on to something sharply, pulling me backwards.

I turned to release myself from whatever it was without feeling thoroughly embarrassed. That's when I saw that my bag was not hooked on to anything but someone had pulled my bag to get my attention.

It was the small girl from this morning. Her iron straight hair was a dark red colour kinda like auburn. She was grinning widely and let go of my bag only to reach out for my wrist pulling me out of the class room whilst talking.

"Hey! I felt really bad for leaving you this morning. I should've realised you were new here therefore you'd need my help. For that reason I feel responsible to help you to your next lesson." She finished.

"That's really okay you don't have to." I replied trying to loosen the tight grip she had on my wrist.

She then spun me around and shook her head.

"No, no. I'm not having that. We barely get any new student in this school and I'd really like to help out. You could use at least a friend, right? My mother always said 'Be friendly to a person who looks lost or is new beacuse one day you'll be grateful you did.' So therefore, I'll be your helpful guide."

"I guess so." I smiled at her kindness. "Well, my next lesson is Higher Maths with Mr Tally, can you show me the way?."

She squealed in excitement and grabbed both of my wrists. "Of course I can! Furthermore it's my next class too. That is fate working. Come along then we better get a move before we get a late mark. You can sit beside me, new buddy."

She had so much energy that it was contagious and I found myself grinning too. "Lead the way, bud."

She laughed and we began walking. "I'm Alice by the way and you?" she questioned.

"Rose." And together we walked, arms linked, to Maths class.

Alice was such a bubbly person. I feel like she could cheer up even the saddest of people. As she said, I did sit by her in Maths. With her whispering jokes about the fail of a teacher that was Mr Tally, she made Maths bearable. But I swear if she mentions one more time that Mr Tally is the equivalent of a hippo jumping up and down when he attempts to clean the board, I swear I will have a laughing fit.

As the lesson came to a close I asked Alice what her next lesson was.

"I've got a gruelling hour of French. What about you?" She replied grudgingly. My face fell and she noticed. "Ah man. I'm guessing you don't have French with me then?"

"I've got Biology with Mr Eddison."

Alice clapped her hands together, something she did a lot I began to realise. "You got the Eddison! I only wish I had him. You've got nothing to worry about. He's a total sweetheart."

I gave her a confused look. "'Sweetheart'?"

"Yeah. He's one of the nicest teachers at this school, and not only that but he's actually a good teacher too. You know, the serious when need to be but then knows how to have a good laugh too." She finished with a grin.

I did feel a bit better knowing that I'd have an alright teacher for one of my favourite subjects. Before Alice left she told me the way to my Biology class and that we had to meet for lunch afterwards. With a small wave I left her and made my way to Biology, alone again.


Sorry it took soooo long to update!

An introduction to Alice. This chapter short but I'm working on the next one and it will be updated soon.

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