12-Who Let The Cat Out The Bag?

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Chapter 12

Who Let The Cat Out The Bag?

I was beginning to wake up from my sleep, but doing so, incredibly slowly. I was lying on my front, not moving, head sunken into the feathery pillow and body wrapped in a warm fluffy duvet. My eyes were still shut, refusing to open to endure the bright light of the sun streaming through the window.

I needed five more minutes, maybe ten.

Debating on whether I should wake up or go back to sleep, I suddenly felt something wet against my nose and then the sound of sniffing.

Confused, I slowly cracked open my eyes and i came face to face with a pair of topaz coloured eyes. Shocked, I gasped and reacted so fast that I retreated to the opposite side of my bed but went overboard and rolled on to the floor, collapsing in a big comfy heap with the duvet still encasing me.


I fought with the material trying to pry myself free from the secure cocoon and managed to wriggle my arms free. I looked up at my bed and saw the culprit of my downfall.

Smoky. Grans cat.

Smoky was sitting on the edge of my bed, licking his paw. I gave him a raised eyebrow, and he took one look at me and gave a high pitched meow. He was hungry. He made act like a drunken mad man, all because he was hungry. The things animals do for food.

I didn't feel like moving, in fact I still wanted to sleep some more. My eyes were roaming around the room, blinking sleepily. I was about to completely shut my eyes when I did a double take at the clock.

7:50. Holy crap.

I had 10 minutes to get ready! I furiously untangled myself from the grasp of the duvet and sprang into action.

I hurried to the bathroom and did my fastest toilet routine. Who cares if I had toothpaste in my hair?! It happens to everybody one in a while.

Frantically, I searched for my uniform, finding each piece of clothing in the most unusual of places including my shirt hanging out of my make-up draw.

I 'gracefully' shoved my school work into my bag, knocking over my pot of pens and other various items to the floor.

I guess my 'mission to get ready within 10 mins' didn't go unnoticed because just as I was stuffing my last bits and bobs into my bag, the bedroom door opened.

Mum stood at the entrance, looking rather tired and worn out. She had a few bags under her eyes due to late night shifts but even so, she looked much better than she did before.

"Rose?" She asked her voice thick with sleep. "What on earth are you doing?"

"I'm trying to not be late for school, that's what I'm doing.


"Why didn't anyone wake me up?!"

"Listen, Rose-"

"I mean Smoky did wake me up, successfully, but he was a tad late but still-."

"ROSABELLE!" Mum shouted.

She used my full name, things just got serious. I stopped what I was doing, which was hopping on one foot trying to get my shoes on, and looked at her.

"Err...yes?" I asked timidly.

"I have one thing to say. Three syllables. First one's 'sat'. Last one's 'day' and the middle one is 'ur'. I'll let you figure it out."

With that, Mum left and I was standing there with one shoe on. I puzzled over the riddle she left me with. Sat-ur-day? Saturday?


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