Chapter 3 ~ I Think...

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Chapter 3

I Think...

“Estel is a name for girls.” I said smiling. The action felt foreign to my face.

“It is not!” He cried offended.

“It means star in Elfish.” I said as I was painfully reminded of home and talking in Elfish. It reminded me of Aragorn who reminded me painfully of Legolas.

~ Flashback ~

“Alana, what are you trying to accomplish?” Legolas asked. He walked beside me as I hobbled after the group that was getting further and further away.

“It’s very bad to get lost in a cave you know.” He said. “You’ll get stuck in here and you shall never find a way out. It’s all very tragic.” He said.

“I am,” I panted. “Trying to walk.” I said.

“Hmm. You’re not doing a very good job.” He observed. I huffed in annoyance.

“That’s because I was out cold for three days! And if I may remind you, I couldn’t walk this morning so I think I am doing well.” I said indignantly. He chuckled at my stubborn nature and I tried very hard not to smile too.

“I think you could use a little help.” He said. Before I could protest he swooped down and lifted me up bridal style.

“Legolas, what do you think you are doing?” I asked.

“I think, I’m carrying you.” He said cockily, he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Why?” I asked.

“I can’t think why I am carrying you, maybe it’s the fact that you can barely stand up or maybe, just maybe it’s because you were out cold for three days.” He said quoting me. I frowned and looked at the damp cold walls of the cave.

“I don’t hear a no.” Legolas said triumphantly. I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. He looked down at me too. I looked into his blue eyes and saw that they looked happy.

“You two!” Aragorn shouted at us from the end of the group, ruining our moment. Our heads snapped up at him, “Let’s go, you two!” He said, I laughed at him and blushed.

~ End of Flashback ~

“Oi! Alana! Princess! Hello?” Estel said. I sniffed.

“What?” I snapped.

“I was just checking to see if you were okay. You didn’t say anything for a while. And I am a star, a SUPER STAR! For saving you.” He said. I didn’t say anything. He leaned to the side and peered at me.

“Why are you crying?” He asked softly. “Did I say something?” He asked looking worried. I put a hand to my cheek and realized I was crying.

“I- uh was thinking of my friend.” I said. I sniffed and wiped my tears on my sleeve.

“Were you thinking of Legless?” He asked seriously. I laughed.

“Yes. How did you know?” I asked.

“You talked about him a lot more in your sleep.”

~ ~

~ ~ SO OLLO PEOPLE! He he! Hi! Yes so I have updated!! I bet you all noticed, you guys are smart cookies. AWESOME cookies really because... YOU ARE AWESOME!

Anywho........ This wonderful chapter is dedicated to a fellow wattpader (wattpadder?) by the name of @RowanLaufeyson1 because her comment made me laugh AND happy! This person also replied to my reply which I thought was awesome.

What day is it today? National Egg day!!! I'm not joking it actually exists! Oh and for monday to my English and Canadian friends... Happy Thanksgiving. ~ ~

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