Chapter 12 ~ Éomer

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Chapter 12


When, finally, after hours and hours after riding I saw Edoras in the distance. I urged Arto to go faster and we made it to the gate within the hour.

Arto slowed down to a trot as we reached the gate. I mentally prepared a small speech I would need to present in order to get them to let me in, when the gates opened slowly. I looked around hesitantly, looking for any sign of an ambush.

There was only one man that I came to face. He was tall, larger than six feet and he was well built and muscular. He had sandy brown hair that fell to his shoulders. His beard was short and well groomed, his mustache as well. He stood on the ground and faced me.

“I am Éomer, nephew of the King Théoden. What business do you have with the Rohirrim?” He asked, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

“I am Alana Quicksilver, friend of Prince Théodred. I have come with the news of an attack on the Prince and his guard.” I said. I swung my left leg off Arto and hopped down. On the ground I realized how much shorter than him I was. He looked at me curiously and skeptically. His eyes flickered between my weapons, Arto and me.

“How can I recognize friend from foe?” He asked, gripping his sword tightly.

“You recognize the horse, Arto? He belongs to Estel Norbury, a member of the guard. He was ordered to come with me and deliver the news, but he refused to leave the guard.” I said leading Arto closer to him. His grip on the sword slackened.

“What happened?” He asked, looking worried.

“Uruk-hai. They came by the thousand, and greatly outnumbered the men. The men need help, they need reinforcements.” I said, out of breath.

~ ~

We stood in the grand hall facing the King who slouched in his chair, mumbling under his breath. He looked old and worn out, his crown lay crooked on his thin white matted hair and his face looked sunken and wrinkly.

Next to him stood Grima Wormtongue, and he was introduced the counselor of Théoden. He stood a bit higher off the ground than Gimli but was stooped, so that they were similar in size. His black greasy hair hung on his head like a curtain, shielding his face from view.

“Your highness, your son and his guard are outnumbered by Orcs. They will all be slaughtered if you won’t send help. You must do something!” I implored. The king murmured something into Grima’s ear and straightened himself to stare down at Éomer and I.

“These tales you tell only come from the one source, who, has yet to prove her worth and trust. How do we not know that she wants only to lure soldiers out, only to lead them into a trap? We cannot know that her endeavor is pure.” He said smirking, thinking he had won the argument.

~ ~ OH MY GAWD GUYS! You don't know who sorry I am for not updating sooner. January flew by sooo quickly. I'm in the middle of exams and my parents have been harping on me every minute to study. My brains about to explode. They're out tonight, so I thought I would sneek a chapter in :) I have six more exams to go and then I'm going to update sooner, with longer chapters hopefully. *crosses fingers*

Until then, ladies and (if there are any) sirs! ~ ~

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