Chapter 13 ~ You May

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Chapter 13

You May

I opened my mouth to say something but Éomer stepped forward and put his hand on my shoulder, my back and shoulders tensed up. He cleared his throat and removed his hand.

“Lady Quicksilver if I may?” He asked. I nodded.

“Uncle, I know not whether she tells us lies or if she tells the truth, but I am not prepared to sit and let my cousin, your son, be slaughtered along with the rest of our soldiers.” Grima sunk to Théoden’s level to here his whisper, and a stony look came over his face. He snapped up, irritated.

“By allowance of King Théoden, you are allowed to take a party of no more than forty to search for the Prince. When you find him bring him back. You will go now.” Grima turned to leave but stopped and spoke again, “And take her with you, I do not wish to deal with her.” He said before strutting out of the hall.

“Come, quickly now.” Éomer said, turning on his heal. He marched towards the door and I spun around, hurrying to catch up. We flew towards the grand double doors.

“Éomer, what’s the plan?” I asked. He threw open both of the grand doors and we galloped down the steps. The guards at the bottom of the steps stood at attention.

The flags they held, flapped loosely in the wind, swaying in time with the weeds in the grass. I could smell the horses, even though we were relatively far away from the stables.

Éomer jogged down the last few steps towards the guard on the left. The young guard regarded him anxiously.

“I want forty men armed and on horse, ready in half an hour.” He barked. The guard nodded vigorously and darted away.

“Alana, grab your horse and meet me at the stables.” He said, rushing off, not waiting for any confirmation from me.

“Alright!” I cried, at his retreating figure. He guard beside me stared at me oddly.

“And what are you looking up?” I said, staring at him icily. I walked around him and jogged around the huge building. I tried to avoid stepping on the weeds as I rushed towards where I had left Arto, tied to a post.

“ArtoI” I cried, turning the corner, bringing him into view. “Come on boy, we’re going to save Estel!” He whinnied at me and tried to back up but the reigns stopped him. He pulled at them impatiently. I chuckled despite of the seriousness of the situation.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” I said. As I neared him, I slowed from a jog to a walk. I quickly pulled at the knots; that I had hastily tied earlier and pulled them loose. I pulled the reigns over Arto’s head and prepared to pull myself onto the saddle. I put my foot in the stirrup, and pulled myself up. I swung my leg over and sat down.

“Let’s go!” I urged Arto forward. We galloped toward the stables, darting in between the houses. We reached the stables in no time; Arto was after all a fine horse.

Tons of people were rushing about, and it was hard to move around on Arto. The shouts and clangs of the men and horses getting armed and ready were so loud; I could hardly hear myself think. I slid off Arto but held on to his reigns and started to push through the crowd, with Arto clip clopping behind me, scanning the crowd for Éomer.

“Em, what a’ you doing down ‘ere?” Some one asked me. I ignored him and kept walking. I kept walking until I reached the end of the building. I faced the last empty stall frustrated. Even though it seemed like I had seen everyone, I hadn’t found Éomer. I turned around and started to march back through the crowd impatiently. We didn’t have enough time! We had to find Estel.

~ ~ You wouldn't believe the hectic weeks I've had. Exams, science fair, speeches, and then my tooth cracked in half. Soooo, I had to get two teeth removed and it all took a bloody long time. Not to mention I had an alergic reaction to the freezing. I've had a hectic few weeks.

But ANYWHO... Lots of thanks for all who remain loyal! I wouldn't be uploading without you! ~ ~

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