Chapter 6 ~ I'm not Dead

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Chapter 6

I'm not Dead

I felt like I was floating but I knew I stood on ground. As I looked around I saw that I was on a plain that stretched and never seemed to end. I turned and my heart leaped as I saw Aragorn running towards me.

Aragorn leaped over the rock and looked over his shoulder. Legolas was following shortly behind, his face ashen looking. He had dark grey circles under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept for days. I whimpered at the sight of them but was overjoyed to see them.

“Legolas! Aragorn!” I yelled but they made no response. I ran forward towards them. Aragorn looked behind his shoulder to see Gimli struggling to keep up. He and Legolas slowed to a stop. I grinned and ran forward.

“Legolas! Aragorn!” I cried. They didn’t respond. Aragorn looked back at Gimli who jogged towards them. I neared them.

“Legolas? Aragorn?” I asked. They paid me no attention. Aragorn dropped to the floor and pressed his ear against the ground. Legolas turned towards me and his back to the others. I grinned but it slowly turned into a grimace when I realized he didn’t see me.

“Legolas?” I asked. He surveyed the plains in front of him with no emotion. His eyes looked hollow. I reached out to touch his shoulder and gasped when my hand went through his shoulder. He shivered.

“Legolas?” I asked. Suddenly he perked up. He scanned the field in front of him, his eyes passing over me. His expression turned sad.

“Alana?” He asked quietly. He took a few steps away from where Aragorn and Gimli conversed.

“Legolas, it’s me! I’m not dead!” I cried. Suddenly I felt like someone was pulling me back.

“Alana? You’re alive?” He asked. He searched the field desperately.

“Legolas!” I cried. I was dragged backwards and suddenly the whole world went black again.

My eyes flew open and I stared up at a blank canvas. I was breathing heavily and I looked around. It was dim and I could barely see but there was a little light.

I could see that I was lying on a small matt with a scratchy blanket tucked around me. I realized that the canvas above me was the ceiling of a small tent. I squinted but couldn’t make out anything else in the dark.

I looked around for the source of light, when my eyes landed on my ring. My eyes widened. It was glowing, emitting a bright white light. ‘What does this mean?’ I thought.

Crack. My head whipped towards the opening of the tent. I scrambled backwards and felt the ground around me for any sort of weapon. I felt around and only found tent pegs. ‘It’ll have to do.’ I thought. I sat up and got in a defensive stance with my fingers wrapped around the peg.

Crunch! It was closer this time. There was some rustling and then the tent flaps flew open.

~ ~ HEY GUYS!! Did you like the dream? Huh? HUH? HUUUUH? I did I guess. I rewrote it twice and I still thought it was eh. But you guys deserved it a chapter, all be it a suckish one.

I wish I could have dedicated a better chapter to you @windstallion2002 but I just wanted you to know asap how much you commenting on every chapter meant. I was soo happy I could have cried (it was an emotional day) because it was just soooooo AWESOME!!!!

Are any of you in the north half of the world? It snowed, for me!  :D

I'll upload soon!!!! Until then... ~ ~

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