Chapter 9 ~ Trust Me

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Chapter 9

Trust Me

“I’m sorry for dismissing him so harshly, I can see you are very fond of each other already.” He smirked. I smiled and he continued. “ But the matters I have to discuss with you are urgent and confidential.” He said immediately turning serious. 

“I would very much like to obtain the knowledge of your royal status.” He asked looking down at me. I raised an eyebrow.

“Why? And how can I trust you?” I asked skeptically.

“Because I am the Prince of Gondor and I am the one everybody entrusts with their deepest darkest secrets.” I raised an eyebrow. “And besides if you don’t trust me, I can’t trust you, and therefore will have to order my three hundred soldiers against you.” He said grinning and chuckling under his breath.

“My Royal status?” I asked and he nodded. “How do you even know I have a ‘Royal Status’, hmm?” I asked.

“Your nick-name, that Estel gave you, is Princess, and not to mention that your name matches the Lost Princess of Mithlond’s name.” He said. My mouth hung open.

“Uhh… Umm…” I said.

“So I can assume that you are indeed the Lost Princess?”

“But I’m not lost.” I said. He laughed.

“No, not anymore. However, for your safety you may not tell anyone. Not even Estel. I know you to have become close friends but still.” I nodded. “My soldiers will be commanded to protect you the best they can.”

“Why is this relevant?” I asked feeling a little silly.

“Nothing really, there have been a few rumors of your existence and a few people are extremely unhappy about this. Don’t worry though, your in safe hands. Thank you, Alana. That will be all.”

“I can fight you know!” I screamed after him. He kept walking.

“That is irrelevant.” He shouted back, finally disappearing around a corner of tents. I huffed in annoyance and turned around to go back to my tent when I realized I didn’t know where it or I was. I spun around quickly trying to locate my surroundings and map out the route to my tent. I spun to quickly and tripped (no surprise there). As I was falling I felt arms that came out of nowhere and helped me regain my balance.

“Thanks.” I said gratefully.

As soon as I had done so, I looked up to see whom the soldier had been, but they had already left leaving me alone.

I was right back where I started, alone and lost. ‘Great, just great.’ I thought as I started walking in the direction I thought my tent was.

~ ~

~ ~ Hey guys!!!!!!! So I just got back from vacation and more importantly, back to internet!!!! Yay!! I didn't actually have that much time as I thought I would to write, but I did manage to throw this chapter together. Another thing to mention, (which is almost as important as the internet) I saw the Desolation of Smaug!!! OMG IT WAS SOOOOO AMAZING! I love the new character they added (Tauriel). Although I thought she might screw this story up a little because Legolas (who was also in the movie) seemed to be a little more friendly to her than Alana would have liked. Needless to say though, my story won't be affected. Yay.

Next update will be soon! Much love! Happy holidays!! ~ ~

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