Chapter 7 ~ Sorry?

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Chapter 7


I started forward when I realized that I recognized him.

“Were you about to stab me?” A hurt looking Estel asked. I sheepishly nodded.

“Sorry?” I asked. He just sighed and rolled his eyes.

“It’s ok Princess. How are you feeling?” He asked. I shrugged.

“Where are we? Why was I hit in the head? Who were those people?” I asked. He pursed his lips.

“I’m assuming you’re fine because you’re asking a lot of questions. And they’re slightly irritating.” He said. He shuffled around until he was sitting instead of crouching in the mouth of the tent. He sighed.

“We are half a day’s journey away from Rohan. You were hit in the head because my fellow comrade mistook you as a threat.” I did a double take and interrupted him.

“You don’t think I am threatening?” I asked incredulously. He rolled his eyes.

“Of course you are, just not to me. Anyways, those people are also my comrades. We are all part of the Prince of Rohan’s guard.” He said. My eyes widened when I put two and two together.

“Oh.” I said quietly.

“Oh indeed. You lied to the heir of Rohan. But don’t worry, I have talked to him and he understands completely.” Relief swept through me.

“Oh good.” I said.

“But he still wants to talk to you.”

“Gandalf’s beard! Really? But- look at the state of me! I’m not fit to meet a Prince! My clothes are ripped and muddy! My hair is a mess! He can’t meet me like this, I-“ Estel pressed his hand over my mouth, his hand was warm and rough but soft at the same time. I was breathing heavily through my nose and couldn’t help but notice that he smelt like Spearmint.

“I feel that I must point out you have already met him.” My mouth dropped open.

“Wa- was he the person? The one I lied to, I mean.” I said. Estel shook his head slowly.

“No! I must’ve made the worst impression on him.” I said. Dreading talking to him.

“Actually you didn’t. He thought you were brave for defending me, and smart for not revealing your true identity.” I nodded.

“Oh… Well in that case, I’m glad.” I said. Estel nodded.

“If you’d like to, come out when you’re ready.” He said looking concerned. I nodded and he withdrew from the tent.

~ ~ HEYYYY GUYSSS!!!!! So..... Is anyone excited for the holidays????? I am!!!! :D Except I'm going away for a week. AND THE WORST PART IS....... There's noooo internet!!!! But I will write my heart out and then upload it all after. So HAVE FUN!!! EnJOY THE HOLIDAYS ~ ~

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