Chapter 14 ~ Dead Silent

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Chapter 14

Dead Silent

“My lady, you shouldn’t be down here.” Another man declared. He looked at me boldly, adjusting a final strap in his armor. I turned and glared at him, he shrunk back evidently obviously not used to a woman staring him down.

“And why is that?” I asked innocently. I readjusted my bag on my back absently. He cleared his throat uncomfortably.

“Uh- I- You are a woman.” He said, quieter than before.

“Thanks mate. That explains a lot.” I said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and shifted my weight all on to one hip. He stood stiffly at attention still, but his face contorted in confusion.

“My lady, we are preparing to go to the Prince as reinforcements.” I continued to stare at him blankly. “There will be fighting.” He added, as if that cleared it all up. I cocked my head and raised an eyebrow and he shifted uncomfortably.

“And?” I asked, annoyed. “Do us a favor, and get to the bloody point!” I shouted at him, he jumped in surprise.

“Ladies can’t fight.” He said, even quieter than before. I whipped out the sword from my belt, quicker than he could take another breath and held it at his throat.

I glared at him icily and he shook a little frightened. He backed up against the stall door and I shoved my sword a little closer to his throat. He stretched out his neck in the attempt to get away from the blade and I grinned sickly at his fear.

“Is that so?” I questioned, leaning closer to him.

“Lady Quicksilver, what do you think you are doing?” I whipped my head around at the sound of Éomer’s voice, whipping the poor soldier in the face with my braid, and broke out with a grin.

“Teaching.” I replied, stepping back and sheathing my sword. Éomer and his horse trotted towards Arto and me. I smiled sweetly at him.

“Teaching?” He replied incredulously. “Teaching what?” He asked.

“Teaching him not to be a pig towards women.” I said. Éomer rolled his eyes and nodded at me.

“Well then,” He said, “Let us get on with it. We have a prince to save.”

~ ~

It took a little less than an hour to get to the campsite. I was riding in the middle of the group, or ‘pack’ the way they acted, right behind Éomer who was leading. As we broke through into the clearing I peered around Éomer to see what was happening. My stomach dropped further than I could shoot an arrow.

It was dead silent apart from the water flowing and some sort of cold eerie feeling hung about in the mist. There were no huge fires going anymore, no tents were in sight and there was no life. The camp sight I had left was now a field of dead soldiers and Orcs strewn every. There were hundreds of them.

“ESTEL!” I cried. I jumped off Arto and ran towards the bodies. The first body I encountered was laying face up and an Orc arrow protruding from his mouth. It was the soldier who had told Estel and me to flee. My hand jumped to my mouth as I made a tiny whimper.

“I knew she shouldn’t have come.” A guard whispered. I quickly straightened up and squared my shoulders. I had seen death before. Just because I am a soldier people expect me to not to even blink at the scene of death. But just because I am a soldier it doesn’t mean I’m immune to the pain of loss. Another wave of terror for Estel came over me and I looked around frantically. I kept searching.

~ ~ Hey guys!!! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. But I'm uploading now! From Barbados too. I haven't felt really motivated about my story though because I've been getting less and less reads. I think I lost some loyal readers too. The ones that commented anyways. It's not super bad but it's not really motivated me at all. I was talking to my brother and he said I should scrap the book entirely. I don't want to do that, but hey, if no one reads it- what are you going to do?

Anywho, sorry for the rant/ pity-party. Lots of love to you all! Have a nice March Break if you have one! Keep reading!!! ~ ~

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