Chapter 28

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People were screaming my name. I was running, my heels not hindering me at all as I sprinted out of the conference room.

Everything felt as if it was in slow motion. I ran straight to the tech department.

He wasn't there.

I searched the hallways, desperate and out of breath. My adrenaline was pumping, and I'm sure I looked wild.

I left the building. I hailed a cab to Helen's diner. I made it in five minutes time, giving myself a break from running.

His booth was empty, and I was becoming discouraged.

There was no way I would go out to the cabin, even if he was there, I didn't have the spare cash on me.

So I walked home. I'm sure everyone back at work was in fits since I left so abruptly, but I deserved a pat on the back for the amount of courage I had back there.

My apartment had never seemed so lonely. Everything was quiet, and it seemed as though my room was bleak, and dull.

He really hadn't shown up. I sucked in a deep breath. Stewart's words were ringing in my ears like a mantra.

"Did you tell him that you love him?"

No Stewart, No I didn't.

I didn't tell him, when I should have, and now it's too late.

The negative thinking began to overcrowd my mind, but I took a deep breath and stood, scolding myself out loud.

"No." I said. "It is not too late." I reached for my phone, and dialed Louis' number. I knew it by heart.

It Immediately went to voicemail. This was something I couldn't bare to just record for him to listen to later, I had to hear his voice.

"Don't ignore me you jerk." I complained as I dialed again with the same response.

"I will not give up," I stated as I pressed the return call button for the third time, and it rang.

He didn't ignore the call yet. This is it. I thought to myself.

I paced in my living room, then finally took a seat on my couch. After a few more rings it went to voicemail again.

Progress. I thought, as I called again. The ringing ensued, but a knock on my door made me jerk, dropping my phone onto the floor, and to God knows where.

I rushed to the door, full of hope that it would be Louis standing at my door with a bouquet of flowers and his blue eyes full of love.

However, as I threw open my door, expecting him to be there, I was met with a much more disappointing, and borderline shocking sight.

"What are you doing here." I didn't hold back the bitterness in my tone, as Zayn leaned against the doorframe.

"That was some speech today Livvy." He smirked, and I felt sick. "You were there?" I asked, blocking the doorway, I didn't want him inside my home.

"Of course I was there, it was important to you, why wouldn't I be there?" He asked, and I raised an eyebrow, as he attempted to slip past me.

I blocked his entrance. "How did you even know?" I whispered knowing good and well I didn't tell him about this.

He shrugged, forcing himself inside anyway, and I closed the door reluctantly. He took a seat on my couch, my phone long forgotten on the floor behind his feet.

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