Chapter 21

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Somehow, it was a relief to see Ms. Merriweather. I couldn't say I was happy to see her - I don't think anyone could ever be honestly happy looking at that fake face - but it had been so long since I woke up in that room, I had started to worry that we'd been forgotten. Of course, that was ridiculous. It'd be stupid to do intense surgery to hijack the minds of a bunch of kids and then have it all go to waste by letting them starve to death.

Ivy, James, and the little girl woke up a little while after me. Luke and I told them what we'd figures out (well, I did the important talking while Luke added in unnecessary sarcastic comments). After that, we all sat in awkward silence. And the silence continued for I don't even know how long. Finally, Ms. Merriweather came in.

"Good morning!" she trilled, cheerful as ever.

"It's morning, is it?" Luke asked.

"Yes, of course! A new day! Aren't you excited?"

"Oh yeah definitely. What fabulous torture do you have in store for us today?"

"Well, I-"

"I mean, other than the mind-control brain implants."

"Oh, honey-"

"Honey? Honey?! Who do you think we are? Who do you think you are? And what kind of situation do you think we're in that you could call me 'honey' like I was your precious little nephew or something?!"

Ms. Merriweather paused. "Do I need to raise your dosage of painkillers?"

"Yeah. Right up till my spirit leaves my body behind in this everything-forsaken torture mansion." Luke was straining against his restraints, but it was obvious he wasn't getting anywhere.

"Your misbehavior achieves nothing. Your cooperation would be appreciated and is a better choice for your well-being. Do I need to remind you that we no longer physically need your cooperation? We would just like to give you the choice to help us of your own accord."

"As if I would ever help you demons," Luke spat.

"Your choice has been observed. It will be ignored." Ms. Merriweather pulled a small, thin device out of her pocket. She tapped in a code, then quickly put it back away. "You are of no use right now. Good bye."

Luke stared at her. He was still pulling at his restraints, but not as urgently anymore. Then, all at once, his body went limp. He fell back against the chair, hard. His eyes widened for a second, then lost focus and drifted closed.

I was no longer anywhere near happy to see Ms. Merriweather.

A/N: Thank you @emberblaze2 for the nice comment. Here's a chapter in return.

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