Chapter 26

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Gradually, I woke up from the near-coma I had been put in. My hearing was sharper than it had ever been without competition from my other senses, but I still could not put together anything near a full picture of what was going on.

The sounds of hysterical panting and loud, fast footsteps revealed themselves to be from Thea, who, as my senses of sight and touch returned, I realized was pulling me along. We were running through an unmarked corridor.

We came a door and Thea dragged me toward it. She didn't even stop running, just slowed down slightly, tried the handle, found it locked, and sped right back up. I had stopped, though, and I tripped over my own feet when her pace picked back up.

Thea gave a scream of frustration, but with her lack of breath and hysteria, it came out more like a whine.

I pushed her hand away and she let go without looking back. Either she trusted that I was recovered, or she didn't care. I pushed down the waves of dizziness swirling around in my head and focused on keeping up with her.

Our feet pounded against the floor.

We skidded around a corner.

Thea swerved quickly to the left, but I didn't comprehend the motion early enough. I slammed into something, fell, and skidded a couple feet down the hall.

"Lynn?" Thea gasped.

"Yes, yes, it's me," Lynn has her hands up, and was watching us warily. She hadn't fallen, but she wasn't lifting one of her hands as high, as if her arm hurt.

"Oh," I panted. "Sorry."

Lynn lowered her hands and helped me up using her good hand. "It's actually good that I, uh, ran into you two. We need to hurry. The Facility is under attack."

A/N: Unfortunately, school has just started up again for me, so that's going to make it even more difficult for me to find time/energy/inspiration to write. So, I'm sorry in advance if I can't update very often.
Thank you guys for all your comments and support this summer. This book would have never made it this far without all of you.

Commenter: @eragonwolflover (thank you for that simple and vaguely threatening comment)

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