Chapter 22

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The tiny dark chamber jolted to a stop. The walls started sliding past my hands and I was terrified that the top of the box was about to come down and crush me, but the walls slipped away without anything following them from above.

It was still just as dark as before. I reached out, but felt nothing around me. I was sure there was some sort of ground beneath my feet, but I couldn't see it.

I wondered if I had gone blind. There was no way to check, so I threw away that thought for the moment.

I slowly slid one foot out. The ground or whatever it was extended at least a foot in front of me and it seemed pretty solid. I slowly crouched down and got on my hands and knees. I slowly inched forward, testing each bit of ground before moving. Whatever the floor was made of was smooth and slightly cold, maybe some sort of stone.

I also felt around where I had landed, but there was no irregularity in the floor to suggest any sort of opening. So I chose a random direction and started going straight forward in hopes that I would run into a wall or something that could help me get my bearings.

It was useless.

The darkness yielded nothing.

I called out, "Hello?"

There was not even an echo.

A/N: @_pure_imagination_ this chapter is for you and your nice comment. Thank you.

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