Chapter 35

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The boys were huddled in a corner together talking.

I spotted Ren out of the corner of my eye. "Ren," I said. "Can you come outside with me?"

She gave me a long, level look and nodded, her ponytail swinging. She followed me out of the tent.

"There's something you're not telling us," I said bluntly.

"There are a lot of things I haven't told you," she replied, unaffected. "Would you like to know my favorite food? My favorite color?"

"You knew about the Facility," I cut in.

She was silent, as if debating whether or not she trusted me. "Yes."


"I can't tell you. Not yet."

"Do you trust us?"

"I've known you for, what, two hours?"

I sighed. "Do you work for the Facility?"

"No. Do you? I still don't understand: Do you like the Facility or not?"

"They're against the government," I said. "They want to take over, and then things will be better."

"Really?" She didn't sound convinced. "You really think they'll be any better? You said they're evil. Wouldn't you just be replacing evil with another evil?"

"A lesser evil," I retorted angrily. "Isn't that what everything's about? Choosing the lesser evil? Aren't you on the Facility's side?"

"I'm on my own side," she said stiffly. I couldn't tell if she was lying. It was hard to read her face.

"I don't like the Facility," I said plainly. "I hate it, actually, but I hate the government more. Is that a satisfactory answer?"

"Why don't you take over yourself?"

"What?" I stared at her.

She tilted her head. "The Facility thinks you have the power to take down the government. Why don't you leave the Facility, and go your own way?"

"They'll track us down. Remember? The devices?" I tapped the side of my head, careful not to actually touch the device in case it started shrieking in my brain. "Anyway, I'd be a pretty terrible leader. I'm not fit for that position."

"You're the leader of your group, aren't you?"

I snorted. "They just did that because they knew I couldn't stand for Will to be hurt again. They had complete control over me then."

Ren shook her head at me. "You're brave, Thea, if you let yourself be," she said. "You're meant to be a leader. You're meant to go your own way, and someday, you will." She left, heading off somewhere into the forest. I watched her go, more confused than ever.

Ren knew about the Facility. She didn't like them or the government. Was she some sort of renegade girl flying solo? There was no way she could've figured anything out about the Facility without connections. But who could they be? How could they find out so much about the Facility if the government hadn't even found it until a few days ago? How much did they know about me?

A/N: dedicated to @Featherwind__ @Izzy003

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