Chapter 28

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The walls of the Facility sped by in a blur of white and grey. My vision swam in and out of focus, but I kept my eyes on nothing but the guide stone. Doors opened right before we arrived and closed as soon as we passed. We made more turns than I could count even if I had been paying attention. Every so often, we raced down a flight or two of stairs.

I could no longer feel the pain in my legs or my chest. The edges of my vision began to fade. I took a turn too quickly and finally fell, sprawled across the hall. Luke skidded to a stop and grabbed my arm, trying to yank me to my feet, but I had given up.

Then, the door at the far end of the hall opened and sunlight poured into the dim corridor. I could vaguely see the green of trees outside. I pulled myself together and, using the wall and Luke's shoulder for support, dragged myself back onto my feet.

The guide rock, which had momentarily stopped, zoomed ahead of us again. But halfway to the door, a huge boom echoed through the facility and the guide suddenly swerved and crashed into the wall. It's lights were still on. It was still full of power and inside the Facility, where the signal guiding it should have reached. But the signal was no longer being sent.

"Lynn!" I screamed. I started to slow down, almost to turn back, but Luke shoved me from behind.

"No! Keep going! We're almost there!" He ran up alongside me and grabbed my arm again, yanking me out the door and into the bright sunlight.

He didn't let go until we were far into the forest, but I looked back right before we entered the trees. In that split second before the trees covered my view, I could see fire pouring out of every visible window in the Facility.

A/N: Sorry this took so long, guys. I've been super busy and I didn't realize it had been so long since my last update.
Chapter Dedication: @leapordshade @mysterygirl7913 @lolcat98

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