One-> When Dean Met Cas

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Dean cursed himself as he crossed the school parking lot, taking in a deep breath of cool September air.

He walked up to the door and swung it open to reveal a fight. There was a boy with black hair pressed up against the brick wall by a much larger football player. Books were scattered around them, a circle of destruction. The pair ignored Dean as he entered. The bully glowered down at his victim. Dean crossed the distance of ten feet in a little over seven. He didn't ask hesitate to put one hand on the football player's shoulder and rear the other back in a fist. The smaller boy gasped, but Dean didn't dare let his guard down.

"Protecting the gay kid, are we? And who are you?" The boy spat, eyes lit with defiance.

Dean set his jaw. "I'm Dean. I'm new here, but I could kick your ass in about five minutes, maybe less," he shrugged. "Now back away from both of us." He warned. The senior laughed in his face. "I tried to tell you." Dean sighed in annoyance.

In one fluid movement, Dean landed a punch right of his jaw. He pulled the bully over and pinned him up against the wall, one fist wrapped up in his tee shirt. "Now," he said, getting up close to the boy. "If I ever hear this boy, or anyone else, had to deal with your dumb ass, then you're going to have to deal with mine. Get the fuck out of my sight." Dean growled. He let the jock slide to his feet and turned around, ducking as the other boy threw a punch.

"I thought maybe you'd make the smart choice." Dean replied, shaking his head with a fighter's smile.

"I make smart decisions. That's why I was about to kick his ass, because he's sinful." He sneered. Dean rolled his eyes, took a second for surprise, and punched the football player, knocking him back and making him double over. Dean didn't wait for him to make old mistakes. He made a roundhouse kick to the jock's ass, waiting for the him to crumple forward before grabbing the back of his short blond hair.

"Are you going to listen to me now?" He asked with a slight smirk. The senior looked like he might continue to fight, but Dean readied his fist and it that ember of relentlessness was drowned for good.

Dean dropped the senior, who took his things and walked away. Dean rolled his eyes. "Seniors." He blew out a breath. "Still here, huh?" He asked, seeing the bully's victim staring at him.

"Y-yes." The boy squeaked, obviously afraid of Dean.

Dean laughed lightly. "Don't worry, that guy shouldn't be a problem anymore." He clapped his hands off like they were dusty. "I'm Dean." He told the boy, who stuck out his hand.

"I'm Castiel." Dean nodded, not shaking his hand. He instead gathered the bag he'd dropped at the door.

Castiel bit his lip. "Where's your first class?" He asked.

Dean looked up to the ceiling, trying to recall information. "Math with Mr. Azazel, room two-hundred, uh, three, I think." He answered, squinting a bit. He'd completely forgotten to grab his schedule off the table before he left his house that morning, being in too much of a rush. His mother, Mary, had given him ample time to get ready, but he'd only gotten up when Sam yelled he had ten minutes to get to school, which... was twenty minutes away. Castiel chuckled. "I know where that is at. I have the same class. Fair warning, Mr. Azazel is one creepy dude." He said, shuddering. Dean smirked. "He can't be that bad." He replied. "We'd better get to class though. It's already half over." Castiel urged. Dean began walking down the hallway with Castiel. "Thanks, Cas." He said, smiling fondly.

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