Three-> New Guinea

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Dean smiled brightly at the pet store lady, obviously turning on his charm. "So how much is it?" He asked, wallet in hand. The girl behind the counter grinned. "Five bucks. Two if you take me out." She flirted. Dean handed her a five, giving her a pointed look. She sighed disappointedly. Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed the Guinea pig cage. "Thanks again!" He called before heading outside. Dean put the animal in Baby and drove back to the bunker. Cas was going to love his present.

Later that night, while Castiel was watching something called Netflix, Dean walked into the room holding a brightly wrapped box. He handed it to Castiel nervously, not saying anything. Castiel raised an eyebrow, but looked down at the box and carefully took off the wrapping. He squealed and the next thing Dean knew, he was holding an angel in his arms. He was surprised at first, then a wide smile turned up his mouth. "Thank you, Dean." He whispered, glancing happily between his husband and his new Guinea pig. Dean grinned happily, proud of himself for knowing what Castiel would love. "No problem, Cas." He murmured lovingly, tilting Castiel's chin with his pointer finger. He gently pulled his gaze to him and leaned down to kiss him. Dean pulled away, passion in his eyes. "So what are you gonna name it?" Castiel frowned. "I'm not sure..." He thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up brighter than Sam's on Easter. "Bean!" Dean rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You are such a dork." He grinned.

"Sam, have you seen Bean?" Castiel called through the bunker, checking under a stack of pants in his bedroom. "No, why?" Sam asked from his doorway. "I can't find him!" Castiel said, getting a bit worried now. "Calm down, Cas, I'm sure he'll turn up somewhere around here. Where did you see him last?" Castiel thought for a moment. "Just over an hour ago, before Dean left to get beer." Sam nodded. "Has Dean seen him?" Castiel shook his head. "I don't think so, he hasn't called." At that moment, a very annoyed-looking Dean slammed open the bunker door. "Look who decided to sit in my coat pocket!" He yelled, holding Castiel's dumbass Giunea pig to his chest. "Bean!" Castiel cried protectively, running up to Dean and taking the small animal from him. "Shh, it's okay." He cooed softly. Dean scoffed. "He was in my coat pocket. I nearly sat on the fucker!" He threw his hands up. "Dean, he didn't know. He's hardly two months and not as smart as us." Dean nodded. "Yeah, well, I'm gonna go check my coat for Guinea pig poop. Wish me luck!" He yelled sarcastically. "Good luck!" Sam called.

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