Fifteen-> Dean's Diner

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Based off the prompt above but with a bit of change to fit the size and direction I took with it.

"All set, Cas?" Dean unzipped his bag and put his math book inside. Castiel nodded, and he put both straps on his shoulders, climbing down the bleachers until he reached his neighbor.

"Almost done?" Castiel asked.

Dean smiled. "I finished it right when you came over. How was practice?"

Castiel shrugged as they cut over the football field to the parking lot. "Tiring, but fun."

"Nice." Dean said. "Your meet is tonight, right?"

Castiel grinned. "Yeah, we're gonna crush Wellsley." Castiel was referring to their rival school, Wellsley High. The students there hadn't actually done anything to deserve being crushed, but Castiel was as passionate about track as Dean was about Dungeons and Dragons.

Dean chuckled. "You're so competitive."

"You know it!" Castiel replied, opening Dean's Impala door with a long creak. "I have team dinner in a couple hours too."

Dean nodded. "Carbo-loading for the big race?"

"Yeah." It was silent for a moment, and Dean still hadn't put the keys into the ignition. "Dean?"

"Yeah, Cas?" Dean asked with a start.

"Are you gonna start the car?"

"Oh, right." Dean mumbled softly. He fumbled with the key for a second before it slid into position and the old car rumbled to life. A slow grin spread over Dean's lips. Led Zeppelin poured out of the speakers, one of Dean's favorite hits. Castiel turned up the volume. They'd been friends for so long now it was one of his favorites too. Dean pulled out of the school parking lot as Castiel hammered out the drum solo on his dashboard. He glanced over at Castiel with a fond grin.

A few minutes later they arrived at Castiel's house. Dean put the car in park and unlocked it. Castiel was about to shut the door when he called him back. "Cas!"

Castiel stuck his head into the car again, leaning his right arm on the top of the open door. "Yeah?"

"Do you have to go to that team dinner?" He asked, thumbs subconsciously following the music's beat over the steering wheel.

"I mean, if you want to make me dinner, then no. Otherwise-"

"What if I did want to make you dinner?" He asked. "You could come over and I could make your favorite meal." He smiled nervously.

Castiel cocked an eyebrow. Since when did Dean cook? Sure, he was never shy about eating, Castiel knew that better than anyone, but he'd never offered to cook. The boy could pack away plate upon plate of meatloaf and red potatoes, but for him to cook them was difficult to imagine. Of course, Castiel reasoned, it was entirely possible there were things he simply didn't know about his best friend. He suddenly realized Dean was still looking at him hopefully.

"Sure, Dean. I'll be around at four-thirty, okay?"

Dean's face broke into a huge grin. "Yeah! See you then!" He called as Castiel shut the door and walked up the steps to his front door. He put the car in reverse and backed out of Castiel's driveway.

"Dean?" Castiel called over the loud music blaring from Dean's Bluetooth speaker. "Dean?" He followed the music, Led Zeppelin of course, toward the kitchen. He breathed in a heavenly scent, probably whatever Dean was cooking.

Dean's back was to him as he stirred a stockpot on the stove. He was swaying with the music, his considerable weight shifting to each foot. He was wearing belted black pants and a forest green sweater. Castiel leaned against the kitchen arch frame with a soft, disbelieving smile. They'd been friends since he could remember, but Dean still surprised him. With a sigh, he pushed off the arch, walking over to where Dean was.

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