Eleven-> Christmas Gifts

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Dean's breath came out in dragonflame puffs as he carefully hooked a string of lights along the roof. "How's the ladder?" He called down.

"I've got it." Castiel replied brightly, smiling up at his boyfriend. "I'll keep you safe."

"Okay." Dean shook his head, fondness lighting up his expression. He hooked the last string of lights on the roof. "Ready for me to come down?" At Castiel's nod, Dean began to climb down the ladder.

At the second to last step, which was missing, Dean cautiously searched for footing on the step below. He stepped down. His shout could've woken up the entire east coast. The step broke under his weight, and he fell the last distance. Lucky for him, Castiel was both strong and right there to catch him.

"Dean!" Castiel's eyes were wide as his boyfriend landed in his waiting arms. "Are you alright?" He asked in a high voice.

Dean nodded, his own eyes still wide from the fall. "I think so. Man, good thing you were here!" He laughed nervously.

Castiel agreed. He set Dean down on the snow, moving the ladder into the garage and closing the giant overhead door. He stood beside Dean to survey the lights. They gleamed brightly against the white paint of their roof. Reds, greens, and golds sparkled in Castiel's eyes.

Dean looked over to notice this, and couldn't help but let slip a lopsided grin. He turned him by his shoulder, bringing the man close to his face. He set his left hand on his waist and pulled him in for a kiss. They stood together in the snow, with Dean's arms wrapped across Castiel's chest to bring him into his chest.

After a while, both of the men got cold. Dean was first to suggest they head inside, and Castiel happily obliged. They settled in front of the fire burning inside, mugs of hot chocolate in their hands. Castiel held his with both hands while Dean gripped the handle. Together they watched the fire. When they drained their mugs, Castiel went with a sly grin to go wrap presents for Dean.

"Don't come in!" He announced cheekily to him.

Dean just grinned. He'd already wrapped Castiel's presents and laid them beneath the pine branches of their nicely decorated Christmas tree. He leaned back on his hands.

Castiel, meanwhile, was taping away. He cut a piece of wrapping paper. It was just too small for the box he'd bought for Dean. He set the box on the paper he'd cut out. He didn't want to be wasteful, and Dean seemed to love his quirkiness anyway. He excitedly folded the snowflake-covered paper around the box and taped it to be sure it'd never come undone. With a little bit of the space still uncovered, Castiel sliced out another tiny piece of wrapping, taping it on top of the bare patch.

He took a moment to review his handiwork. And realized the box was extremely obvious. So, he hunted around their bedroom for another, empty box. He quickly discovered an old FedEx shipping container and set the wrapped gift inside of it. He sealed the bigger box with packing tape.

I don't need to wrap this one, do I? Probably not?

Castiel shrugged. Dean wouldn't care. He'd just love what was inside the unwrapped parcel. He opened the bedroom door and practically skipped to the tree, managing to miss all the pine needles littering the floor in his bare feet. That was a Christmas miracle.

Dean waved at him as he passed. "Oh, boy, you got me a box! I've always wanted one!" Dean squealed childishly.

Castiel's face lit up. "Yeah, I did!"
Dean laughed. He stood up to meet Castiel a few feet away from the tree, running his hands over his arms.

Castiel closed his eyes in pleasure as he allowed Dean to wander his body. His hands moved from his arms corded with muscle to his broad chest. They locked themselves around his neck, and he smiled against Dean's lips as they were drew into a kiss. Dean held his hand out for Castiel to follow him to their room.

The first rays of sunlight streamed through the thin curtains Dean cursed every morning. His face was turned away from the light for once, but he was still going to wake up early. Castiel was paddling on his arm.

"It's Christmas! Wake up! Dean, wake up!" He cheered.

Dean rolled over, not even opening his eyes. He rolled on top of Castiel. "Sleep." He grumbled.

Castiel pushed at Dean's heavy weight. "Dean!" He laughed.

Dean smiled. "Alright, you're free." He rolled onto his side and Castiel climbed off the bed.

"Come on!" He pulled Dean's arm from the other side of the huge mattress. "Christmas, Dean!"

"Alright, alright." Dean finally relented. He unfurled the blankets and opened his eyes. His lips curled into a grin. "I kinda like this view. You my Christmas present, Cas?" He asked in a low tone.

Usually, Castiel would have made both of their days with morning sex. But today was Christmas! "Get up, you oaf!" He drummed on the sheets as Dean slowly sat on the edge of the bed. Impatiently, he took hold of Dean's arm and pulled him along out of the room. Dean laughed, swatting his hand.

"I'm up, I'm up!" He chuckled.

Castiel beamed back. He moved in for a quick morning kiss, then retrieved Dean's present. "Open it!"

Dean shook his head. "Nope. Uh uh, you open yours first." He handed his boyfriend his own present and grabbed Castiel's from under the tree.

Castiel beamed, despite the fact he wanted Dean to be the first to open a gift. He shook it slightly. "I bet it's a puppy!" He squealed.

"If it were, you'd have killed it with your shaking." Dean replied. He laughed. "Come on, open it!"

Castiel chuckled, untying the ribbon and tearing off the wrapping paper. "Dean!" He gasped. "It's what I've always wanted! A box!" He held up the old FedEx shipping container. With a grin, he pulled the flaps open. And gaped. "Dean." He whispered carefully. His fingers shaking, he picked up the small velvet square inside. Dean took it out of his hands and got down on one knee.

"Castiel," Dean began. "You've loved me for who I am, despite all my many, many flaws. And- shit, you know I'm not good with words. Uh, I love you. A lot. A-and, you know, you're really hot." Dean blinked multiple times, amazed at his lack of a speech. He knew he should've written it down.

Castiel pulled his lips into a thin line. "Open your present, Dean."


"Present, Dean!" He flung his arm out, holding the present.

Dean, being the obedient boyfriend he was, tucked into his gift. And took on a shit-eating grin. "Huh." He said.

Not missing a beat, Castiel hit his knee. "Dean Winchester," he began loudly. "I have loved you for more years than you've known. Back when we first met, that day at the swings? I knew my future would have you in it. You don't believe in fate, Dean, but I do. I fell in love with you a few months later, when you pulled your dad's arm behind you, telling him, 'Dad, this is my best friend! His name's Cas!' And you hugged me tight while your dad just chuckled at you. You have great hugs back then, and you've only improved. I'll never forget that day. You...you thought of me like I was somebody important. Like you wanted me to be displayed in a museum! I was some great historical discovery to you, some kind of-

"Angel." Dean supplied, his face unmasked and vulnerable.

"Yeah, exactly! You... Dean, I love you." He kneeled there for a moment. "Uh, I don't know what to do." He admitted.

Dean fell forward. "I do." He replied, holding Castiel in a warm embrace.

Castiel wrapped his arms around the man he loved.

Dean whispered into his neck, "I want to put my ring on your finger. I kinda don't want the traditional thing. Okay?"

Castiel nodded. Dean pulled back and picked the ring Castiel bought for him out of its casing. He smiled. "And this is why." He shook his head fondly, sliding the gem-studded ring on Castiel's finger. He continued to smile down at the green stones.

"They sparkle like your eyes." Castiel breathed. Taking another deep breath, he slipped the ring Dean had proposed with out of the light blue box. He laughed, the sound softly broken in the way it is when somebody's crying. "Blue. Of course it is." He let the tears fall as they had been for a while now, looking into Dean's forest green eyes as he slid the ring on his finger. "I love you, Dean." He whispered. Another laugh broke out of him. He pulled Dean's face in close. "I love you forever."

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