Three-> The Colors Of The Rainbow

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The Colors Of The Rainbow
Dean growled quietly as he leaned back in his seat, bored and sick of listening to his math teacher drone on relentlessly. He watched the man draw on the board, of course in black since he hadn't yet met his soulmate. He groaned inwardly.

Dean had always wanted to meet his soulmate and he prayed it was another boy. For a long time now, Dean had believed he was bisexual. He'd dated many girls, being in his senior year, but had always harbored a special interest in the male physique. He clicked better with other guys, too.

Besides the whole idea of sharing his life, he wanted to see the colors people claimed to acquire when they met their soulmate. But Dean had yet to find his soulmate, and this constant game of wondering often drove him nuts.

"You look exhausted." Charlie informed him.

Dean stared boredly at his best friend. "I'm sick of waiting for my soulmate. I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl!" He whisper-yelled.

The redhead beside him giggled. "Mine is totally a girl. Honestly, I thought it was Jess." Charlie replied, pointing toward a gorgeous blond girl in a hot pink tank top. "But I haven't seen any pops of color." She sighed.

Dean eyed Jess for a moment, then turned his gaze back to Charlie. "I'm sure you'll find her eventually."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah... Hey, did you hear we're getting exchange students?"
She asked, happy once again.

"I had no idea. Where are they from?"

"Hm, ya know, I'm not sure. Maybe one of them will be your soulmate, Dean-o!" Charlie grinned, her eyes lighting up.

"That'd be nice." Dean said with longing. If he hadn't been so wrapped up in his loneliness, he would have noticed the noise of pounding footsteps out in the hall.

Seconds later, a young boy with short, dark hair stumbled into the door, utterly frazzled. That's not, however, what Dean couldn't tear his eyes from. The first thing he saw was an incredible explosion of something he had never experienced. Everywhere around him, colors tore into his vision, reds, greens, yellows, purples, they all screamed. The things that had been hidden from Dean for so long were finally shining bright, clear as day.

But Dean didn't pay attention to any of that. All he saw was blue. Blue, scared, anxious eyes stared back at his. He didn't dare look away, terrified the colors might run away again.

"Dean, you okay?" Charlie shook him beside her.

"I...I see them. I see the colors, Charlie!" Dean yelled. Suddenly everyone in the class raised an eyebrow at the disruption. Especially the dark-haired boy, whose eyes widened.

"Mr. Winchester, would you care to teach us whatever may be more important than my math lesson?" The teacher demanded, obviously less than pleased with Dean's outburst. Dean turned bright red, sinking down into his seat. He was quite ecstatic when the colors stayed in his eyes though.

"Very well. Who are you?" Mr. Crowley turned toward the boy who'd stumbled into Dean's math class.

"C-Castiel...Novak." The boy replied nervously. He did not look at Dean again.

"What do you mean? Oh my god, is that your soulmate?" Charlie demanded. Dean nodded.


Cas's POV
Castiel swung open the door of the high school. He ran inside, using the signs to find the office.

"Hello, what's your name, sweetie?" The secretary asked. Castiel read her name tag, finding it wrote 'Meg' in a pretty font.

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