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Dean walked into a superstore near the motel John had left his children at. He had hustled about thirty bucks playing pool, and he intended to use it for Sam. Dean's younger brother was turning 6 this year, and he still very much believed in the Easter Bunny. Of course, it was never John who hid the eggs, it was Dean. Dean thoroughly enjoyed giving Sam as much of a childhood as he could, since Dean himself had had to grow up so fast. He had only been about four when he'd carried Sam from that fire, the night his whole life had changed forever.

Dean busily moved from aisle to aisle, getting plastic eggs, regular eggs and a coloring kit, candies, a chocolate bunny, six glasses and a small basket. He set the items on the coveyer belt, paid for them, and walked back to the motel, a small smile stretching over his face.

"What'd you get?" Sam asked, running right over to Dean as soon as he got in the door. "Nothing, Sam, go on." He shooed Sam away and stepped into the bathroom. He put all the candy in the eggs, stuck the chocolate bunny in the basket, then cracked open the door. "Close your eyes." He called softly. "They're closed." Sam said happily. He obviously knew something was for him. Dean quickly snuck outside and set the basket in a tree. "Okay, you can open them." He said upon entering the motel again. He leaned down to Sam with an excited smile. "Wanna color some Easter eggs?" Sam's eyes lit up and he bounded over to the small end table in the room. Dean grinned, pulling out the rest of his supplies. He plopped the colored tablets into the water and waited a minute for them to dissolve, stirring it up a bit. Sam bounced exuberantly from his position on the bed. "Now, Sammy, be careful. I don't want anything to get stained." Dean warned as he finished stirring the last glass. "Okay, Bean." Dean chuckled quietly. Sam was still in that stage where he said 'Bean' instead of 'Dean' and Dean was alright with that. Sam picked up the egg dipper and began dunking eggs into the glasses of water. Dean watched him for a moment, making sure he was capable of doing this on his own, before plunging one egg a quarter of the way in. He let it sit there for a bit, allowing the purple coloring to intensify. Then he pulled it out and rested the very top of it carefully on the red water. When Dean pulled out the egg, Sam smiled brightly at the half-purple Easter egg with a red tip. "Awesome, Bean!" Sam called with childish wonder. Dean couldn't help but find the same smile on his own face. "Thanks, Sammy." He stood up and kissed the top of Sam's head before laying on the other bed and going to sleep. "Wake me up when you're done." He instructed quietly as he drifted off.

"Bean. Bean. Beeeeaaaaan..." Sam drawled, poking his brother's side. Dean slowly opened his eyes, looking at Sam. "You're done already?" He asked. Sam nodded. "Ok." Dean groaned slightly as he got up from the bed. "Time for bed." He told Sam. The little boy nodded and ran right around to the side of his bed, crawling under the covers. Dean kissed his forehead and turned off the bedside lamp. Twenty minutes later, Sam was sound asleep and Dean could hide the eggs. He placed an egg in a lampshade, two in the shower, one beside Sam on a pillow, hid a few in the dresser provided by the motel, snuck one into Sam's suitcase, and two into his own. Satisfied with his egg hiding skills, Dean pulled back the covers and sank into the motel bed.

"Bean! Bean, wake up!" Sam slapped Dean's arm rapidly. Dean let out a loud howl as he stretched. "Yeah, yeah, alright. Start hunting." He grinned knowingly. Sam took off through the motel room and Dean chuckled. "Found one!" He announced when he grabbed the one Dean stashed in the shower. The morning continued with Sam finding eggs and carrying them back to his bed since he hadn't found his basket yet. When the child found every last egg, preening, Dean grinned. "Go find your basket." Sam's eyes went wide, like he'd forgotten about actual candy in his egg hunt. Sam darted around the room. He was a determined little boy, Dean had to admit. "Want a hint?" He asked, figuring Sam wouldn't realize the thing was outside. "Yes!" Sam squealed. "It's not in here." Dean grinned. Sam narrowed his eyes at him. "You're so mean! Bad Bean!" He yelled. "Yeah, okay, now go." He prodded Sam outside. Giggling, the boy looked around for his basket. Once he found it, his smile dropped. "How am I supposed to get that?" He demanded. Dean held back a laugh. "I'll get it for ya, Sammy. You just had to find it." Dean walked up to the tree and began to shimmy up it. "This might not have been the best idea." He grunted, scaling his way along to the basket. "Just be careful!" Sam called like the worried mother goose he always was. Er, scratch that, like the worried mother *moose he always was. As Dean finally curled his fingers around the basket, he launched from the tree forcefully, holding the basket to his chest. "Here ya go, Samantha." Dean chuckled. Sam eagerly took his Easter basket. "Can we go back inside?" He asked, getting a bit chilly now. Dean nodded, rubbing his arm. He pulled Sam into a hug and kissed the top of his head. "Happy Easter, Sammy." He mumbled into his molasses hair. "Thanks, Dean."

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